Bleh. That looks like the lamentable base of the Freedom Tower. Even if the base is clad in granite rather than precast, it'll still end up looking medieval and fortresslike. So much for the original featherlight glass design we first got to know and love.
Looks better than the rendering found on the Bay Street sign.

Bleh. That looks like the lamentable base of the Freedom Tower. Even if the base is clad in granite rather than precast, it'll still end up looking medieval and fortresslike. So much for the original featherlight glass design we first got to know and love.

I don't care too much for those pics of the base either. There was supposed to be wall-to-wall glass on one side right?
Ed, that rendering looks exactly like the one found on Bay. But the one posted looks different from an intermediate version.
I prefer the original glass base.




The current version turns its back to the city and is only slightly better than the cement Hudson Bay monstrosity down the street.
As Hipster Duck has already mentioned, the design is like a throwback to SOM's Freedom Tower in NYC. Quite a disappointment, I must admit - which makes me wonder whether the rationale behind the design change might be similiar?

As Hipster Duck has already mentioned, the design is like a throwback to SOM's Freedom Tower in NYC. Quite a disappointment, I must admit - which makes me wonder whether the rationale behind the design change might be similiar?

It looks less like it was designed to fend off a truck bomb and more like it has arrow slits from which party crashers can be picked off. Not rendered: The cauldrons of oil on the top of the podium.

But that's a great question, AoD. I wonder how much that factored into their thinking.
Is it possible we're just not seeing the side with the wall-to-wall glass?
Count me in as unimpressed by these new renderings of the base. It's totally forgettable. It doesn't even LOOK luxurious anymore.
The new rendering of the base looks exclusive in a "can you buzz me in to see my incarcerated relative" kind of way.
