I imagine it, and Cumberland Terrace, will not be long for this world. I wonder, though, what is the ownership pattern of the Bay/Cumberland/Bloor/Yonge block? Is it one landlord? Does Holt's own or rent their property? Etc. etc. I am actually rather surprised that no development is planned for the Holt's site, given the underused density (though the store is very nice, so for their purposes I guess it works).

In any case, I think there will be some big changes ahead for E. Yorkville. Cumberland Terrace and the building with the parkade are so tattered compared to the rest of the area, with really low-rent tenants (shoe repair, etc). Surely there will be an attempt to cash in, and soon.
Regarding Cumberalnd Terrace, I remember about 10 years ago, being told by the manager of one of the stores that their lease was being terminated in order to permit redevelopment. I also recall a number of stores closing down at the same time. I'm surprised that nothing's happened in all these years with such prime real estate. Mostly low-rent tenants here too, Matt.
In any case, I think there will be some big changes ahead for E. Yorkville. Cumberland Terrace and the building with the parkade are so tattered compared to the rest of the area, with really low-rent tenants (shoe repair, etc). Surely there will be an attempt to cash in, and soon.
Cumberland Terrace is a wreck, I agree; but I actually find the parkade arcade kinda charming these days--almost a throwback to a humbler, more workaday era of Yorkville retail. It's like an uptown version of the Yonge St Arcade, as viewed through a 1980s Adult Contemporary radio prism...
To get back on topic, according to Toronto Life construction will start in early 2008. Not that this publication is a reliable source for this kind of information, but I"ll take it nonetheless.
From the architectsAlliance website:




Those images are old but it's nice to see them again. The only thing new down at the site today was this tag facing the sales centre in the parking lot.

this comment may be right, but hopefully the added density of people downtown will give a boost to local businesses. Condos are definitely preferable to building purely on the outskirts and adding to sprawl.
What does 'Too many condos' mean, anyway? What's the danger?

I think the danger they are refering to may be the fear that Yorkville loses all of its "European" charm... if all the low rise / independent business gets bought up, demolished and turned into highrise condos, then the character of the area is lost. As I and others have stated on various threads, the success and attractiveness of an urban area comes from its randomness, variety and mixed use. Wall to wall highrise condos creates the opposite of that... a monoculture.
I agree in that regard - I would not want to lose all the lose rise buildings in the area - ones with character at least. In this specific case though, this complex is replacing a surface parking lot, a nondescript 70s(?) retail strip on Bay, and the ugliest car dealership that ever was. Some condo developments are one too many (the ROM Condo plan for example), but this one is quite welcome.

I think the danger they are refering to may be the fear that Yorkville loses all of its "European" charm... if all the low rise / independent business gets bought up, demolished and turned into highrise condos, then the character of the area is lost. As I and others have stated on various threads, the success and attractiveness of an urban area comes from its randomness, variety and mixed use. Wall to wall highrise condos creates the opposite of that... a monoculture.

Can't ever recall feeling "European charmed" in Yorkville. I always thought of it as Toronto charm, nothing more, nothing less.
yeah definitely not european charm...certainly not the grandeur nor the style. maybe fifty years ago? all that needs to be kept are the main shopping drags and the residential to the north of there.
