They have set up a construction trailer and marked the property line of the site. We should see some other equipment on site very soon.

thanks ProjectEnd for the cool photos!

I do like the layout of the property, the way the different elements relate to each other and the nice high podium section. Disappointed about the simple boxy design of the towers though. Well atleast its tall and shiny! Glad to hear this one is just about to get started!
Just raggin' on you. You were all Aa in the York/Bremner thread too, but I didn't want to belabor the point.

Anyway, I think aA have set themselves up for this: while it is distinctive, their abbreviation is not the simplest to remember for its fussy capitalization.

They have set up a construction trailer and marked the property line of the site. We should see some other equipment on site very soon.

Excellent news!!
really? imo, it has a very downtown (bulky) feel...makes for a great beginning to a streetwall in midtown.
