Have to admit, I like the look of these new towers especially the taller one. Bring it on.....
Dont care much for the rendering in terms of realism, but the towers look great and the layout is nice. Proably best to have the park front onto Scollard though
Is it time we "cap" the list?

I don't think so. As a city that's been hooked on flat roofs for so long, we can afford to have a few, or a few hundred, new crowned buildings.

im not sure about that park where the dealership is right now. i'm all for green space, but i think id rather see some sort of low-rise component fronting on yorkville.

I think the idea of a small amount of green space on either of those two historic Yorkville buildings will work. It'll be such a relief after years of that piece of shit dealership squeezed up against the old fire station.
Peter Clewes of architectsAlliance (who also designed 18 Yorkville, Mozo, Spire, Radio City, Home, Murano, etc)

Peter Clewes must be a very busy man! Seriously - this project looks fantastic, and will greatly enhance the area... can't wait for construction to begin! :)
They and the Ritz must be into the city room expanding beyond the core structure.

Add this feature to Trump and watch that puppy sell out in 24 hours.
It's a little difficult to tell what it might actually look like by that rendering.

What's the building in the foreground?
