That's just the hotel I believe. The condos are separate as they're owned by the owners.
These condos are built for foreign investors, who obviously don't care much about the condo design. All they care about is a quick profit.

Now the PH suite and hotel suites are all owned by foreign investors, so there's no difference in this aspect of saying. Plus to that I feel suites in all these regular condo towers are owned way more by Canadians than FS.:D
These condos are built for foreign investors, who obviously don't care much about the condo design. All they care about is a quick profit.

You might be surprised how much some foreign investors, especially from the Middle East, care about design.
The restaurant decor is a disaster. Rosalie Wise Sharp ( wife of FS founder Isadore Sharp) designed the restaurant interior. They should have left the restaurant design to Yabu Pushelberg, who did the rest of the hotel.

The new Globe review sums up it best.

"The restaurant interior was designed by Rosalie Wise Sharp, the wife of Isadore Sharp, the Four Seasons founder and chairman. It would not be out of place in a Rust Belt airport hotel and conference centre, circa 1997. It is tolerable by day when it looks out on Bay Street and Yorkville Avenue: when the focus of the room is outside its windows.

But at night, something about the light makes the rough-plastered, dun-toned walls are reminiscent of a survivalist’s hay-bale homestead. There are metal, palm-filled planters that look like feed troughs. The velvety brown loveseats bring to mind just two words: leisure suit.

The art on the walls is also awful. At every vantage point, there are likenesses of Kate Moss, Michael Jackson, Andy Warhol, Campbell’s soup cans, Madonna as Monroe. Oh, look, it’s Picasso in a cowboy hat! And what’s one of Keith Haring’s iconic flying figures doing in some other artist’s work?"
Couldn't agree more about the restaurant interior. It's absolutely awful, instantly out of date, and shockingly discordant with the beautiful aesthetic in the rest of the building interior.
The poor saudi who can't feed his family is not going to thank us for accepting his hard earned tax dollars. The headline should be "Blood money bought the Four Seasons", Toronto seems to have a knack for accepting blood money from middle eastern dictators. Remember the condo on Bay that was owned by a Qadaffi?
