
Ghost tower.

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A bit old, but anyways...22 Nov 2012:



Maybe I'm just being nitpicky, but I'm looking at the Pedestrian lighting, on the Bay Street side, they went with the single fixture.

Avenue Road, north of Bloor, and Bay south of Bloor are the 'Cluster Lights' ; the scale of which seems more appropriate to me for a major (wide) road.

I think it does match the rest of Bay, north of Bloor, but I would prefer all 'Cluster Lights' I think.

That may be a City and/or BIA decision, as opposed to the developer.

It also looks to me like they could use 1 extra pedestrian light on the Bay Street side too, lots of blank sidewalk there.
Remember, Bay Street is to get a makeover. So these could be temporary.

According to the presentation slides for the community meeting ragarding the Bay Street Reno, they are not touching the side walks around "new developments". So I guess the lights are here to stay. I would think that they might take them down during the construction phase though.
Took a walk by today and the fencing is now gone from the new parkette. Paving looks to be complete, with landscaping probably to be completed in the spring I'm guessing. Here's what it looks like now:





I like how the paving stones were laid in different directions.
If you go to the top deck of the parking garage, you can get some nice shots of the area from there. I got a few today.

Those pavers really add something different than the run of the mill looks to the park area.

If they get rid of that tin wall and fix the back end addition to the fire-hall, it will add a better look for the area. It needs to be the same existing brick look.

The water-fountain is a nice addition, as well the paver driveway.

Not sold on the sidewalk, but most of all, Bay St. Too boring.
If they're not re-doing the sidewalks on Bay what exactly is this Bay street makeover going to consist of !

Of course they CANNOT touch the granite paving they put for the Four Seasons ... even if they redid the sidewalks on Bay clearly they won't be granite, something lesser quality. Most of the other developments though didn't put anything to interesting for paving so ripping it out would be OK.

Great park !
I know updates are pointless when the building is basically finished, but I couldn't help it:


Manulife is such an awesome looking building. The building across from it on the southwest corner is great as well.
Claude Cormier's website has some detailed information, including photos;


For the "Rose Garden", it mentions:

- hardscape: granite pavers with stainless border at hedge beds
- softscape: low hedges of yew, boxwood and barberry
- terrace with moveable chairs

So I don't think there will be any benches, but some sort of moveable chairs?

In Atlantis' photos (in particular photos 2 and 3) you will also notice the "Water / Art Wall" to the right of the photos. I didn't take notice of this until I viewed it on Claude's website.
I also have to praise the paving since I've felt for a long time that paving is an often overlooked element of landscape design and streetscape improvements in Toronto, but an element that is quite important in creating beautiful public spaces.
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