After all the money that has been spent on landscaping this courtyard (particularly the patterned paving stones), couldn't they do a little better than the cheap white plastic traffic cones on either side of the fountain? Maybe black wrough-iron with reflective striping? The cones have been there for several months. At first I had hoped they were temporary but now I'm getting concerned. (There is a similar problem at Telus House beside the ACC, where cheap metal fencing carves out an entryway to the parking garage. It has been there since the building opened several years ago, and still nothing permanent has gone up.)
Another white feature that bothers me is the white pilotis/columns along the bottom of the shorter tower. There isn't one part of the entire complex clad in white except those damned columns. They really look out of place to me in an otherwise very cohesive design.
30 January 2013: Toronto's best-looking recent development by a long shot:

Does anyone else find that urbandreamer's photos/images take much longer to load than anyone elses?
^Is there a way I can use imageshack to accomplish the same thing? Thx for the explanation--I must admit certain aspects of technology are beyond my comprehension :) (Or should I change image size on the camera end?)
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^Is there a way I can use imageshack to accomplish the same thing? Thx for the explanation--I must admit certain aspects of technology are beyond my comprehension :) (Or should I change image size on the camera end?)

you can try this. look at the image size. then open it up in microsoft paint. dont do anything to it but click save as jpeg and save it with other name. now look at the new one it should be compressed file size. paint will automatically compress it when saving if it doesnt change the file size you can hit resize choose percentage and put like 99% and it should work and compress then you can upload that one and it should load alot quicker also upload quicker for you.
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Hmm. The problem is extra steps = annoying. I upload a ton of photos weekly--likely hundreds. That extra step sounds like a pain. :( I'll try the reduction in image size on the camera and if that doesn't work, I guess find another host.
I'm reading that 800x600 is ideal? (I've only been having the slow issues for the past few months. I had changed it to 1600x1200 (I use large monitors.) I did a sample shot and changing camera to .3 mp did the trick...but will it affect image quality?
I'm reading that 800x600 is ideal? (I've only been having the slow issues for the past few months. I had changed it to 1600x1200 (I use large monitors.) I did a sample shot and changing camera to .3 mp did the trick...but will it affect image quality?

bigger res is better, it will resize on the forum but then you can open image in other window to see it bigger. are you trying to keep all images uploaded to a imageshack folder you could take that link for the image and paste it in under web and it will upload it from imageshack and give you imgur links with the compressed pic.
I'm reading that 800x600 is ideal? (I've only been having the slow issues for the past few months. I had changed it to 1600x1200 (I use large monitors.) I did a sample shot and changing camera to .3 mp did the trick...

I read elsewhere that one of your photos was over 3MB. 1600x1200 wouldn't even be that large of a file with a DSLR shooting JPEG. Im surprised a phone even produces files that large. What format are your photos shot in?

but will it affect image quality?

1000 pixel width would be ideal and anything less would probably impact image quality, but once again with a fixed focus lens on a phone/wireless device image quality is a non issue.
I look upon this as another BB&B: Bird Bath and Bunker. So much money spent on a barren, uninviting space featuring a glorified bird bath. The garden will not save it.
