reading the news about this got me depressed after work, espcially since i work in the liberty village area. this could've been a great piece of infrastructure for that area. too bad :(
I love Toronto, but I fear for the direction's it's headed. I predict Ford isn't going to balance the budget, and on top of it we'll have none of the important and inspiring infrastructure projects that were hoping for. Unless he has a fatal heart-attack* or something, the next 3 1/2 years are going to be a vision-less waste of time for this city.

*Fingers crossed.
That's a bit much to wish that he has a heart attack. I dislike him a lot too, but I don't want the guy to drop dead. I do hope however that the audit shows that he violated election rules, so that may get him thrown out of office.
That's a bit much to wish that he has a heart attack. I dislike him a lot too, but I don't want the guy to drop dead. I do hope however that the audit shows that he violated election rules, so that may get him thrown out of office.

Yeah, that'd work too; but unfortunately it's probably the less likely outcome.
I understand the frustration, but let's keep in mind that Ford (and many less-than-stellar councillors) was elected by us, the citizens of this democratic city. So, even if Ford the man left the stage, Ford the crude anti-city tantrum would presumably remain as a political force to be played out.

We need to work on expanding an inclusive civic culture throughout the city. Hopefully in time enough common ground can be found to help us build a great city. It sucks that for most of us here, that time is basically an annoying waste, but we have no choice.
Bob and Doug are just classic entitled bullies who have always gotten their way. It must have been a terror to be stuck in the school yard with these two during recess.
What a pathetic act. Just the typical thoughtlessness that can be expected from Bob and Doug as they and their parsimonious pals cheap-out on the public realm.

Well over a million has been spent on this project. That is forever lost, and that means its a complete waste. Hopefully someone will keep track of the costs of all such cancellations. It's going to add up.
So you know who the good guys and the morons are:


^ Thank you. A complete list of councillors from who's wards projects will be considered gravy and must be cancelled, regardless of importance and previously invested money and work.

Interesting..12 of the 15 women on city council voted for building the bridge.
That vote shows just how tight left and right are in terms of votes. No wonder Ford wants a byelection in Ward 9.
Who's really surprised here? Anything the Fords don't like = "gravy". And it sure looks to me like the vote was heavily whipped and more or less broke down along inner city vs suburb lines.

This really does mark the end of the previous council's waterfront regeneration plans: seriously it's game over, folks. Soon the fire sale of city-owned land will begin, and the doors will be thrown open to big box stores, surface parking lots and NFL-sized stadia.

Is there anyone out there who still thinks that the FY Visitor Centre is going to be built? Queen's Quay? Waterfront East streetcars? A Toronto museum?

And to anyone who thinks we just have to bide our time for another 36 months, wake up: we may be stuck with Boss Hogg for another 7 1/2 years.
It is stunning for a city the size of Toronto to turn it's back on a city-building project like this. Rampant development, ( I would have preferred to use the less charged adjective " rapid "), that engulfs this significant historic site, chokes off the sense of the public realm that this one project alone would have mitigated. The cancellation of this bridge has little to do with money, and a lot to do with a symbolic kick to the groin. The cancellation ought to be a rallying point for UTers who care about such things.
