It's going to be pretty cool to have a park here between the tracks with the bridges also giving all sorts of new vantage points of the city. Especially once the projects to the north side of the tracks are also done this is going to be a neat new little nexus in the city where basically nobody could even go before.
Is there a public rendering of the landscaped Ordnance park portion? I've been Googling around but couldn't find any.
I don't believe it's been planned yet. The community outdoor pool that was proposed by Cityzen way back when was rejected, I think mostly because the City wanted to use the S37 benefits from the nearby developments for just about everything, like the Garrison Crossing bridges for one. In the meantime, why no park plan here yet? In the previous Council this was in Mike Layton's ward, in the new one it's in Joe Cressy's. The last update on the City's webpage is from 2014. Maybe contact them to ask?

And here are those plans:

That swimming pool is going to be a fantastic place to do laps. It's nice to see a pool that like this as 90% of pools aren't for aren't big enough for swimming.
Interesting note- I wonder how Ford's Ontario Line is going to impact this space- after all, isn't this area where the tunnel exit to the above-ground Exhibition Station is located?
That swimming pool is going to be a fantastic place to do laps. It's nice to see a pool that like this as 90% of pools aren't for aren't big enough for swimming.

As someone else mentioned, the pool has been dropped from the plan - so it won't even be big enough to dip your toes.
Jesus... what a let down when compared to the almost built sculptural bridge with the helix design.
Jesus... what a let down when compared to the almost built sculptural bridge with the helix design.

Thank Rob Ford for that. If Rob Ford was in charge of selecting the "New" City Hall, we wouldn't have the City Hall we have today. See link.
From Wellington Street, a couple days ago:


What looks like ancient access: this won't reopen when the park opens I assume? That's got sue-the-City written all over the first stumble.


