Updated as per UD....http://urbantoronto.ca/forum/showthread.php/11068-New-city-park-10-Ordnance-Street/page2
Wow, the tallest to be 49 storeys,.... thats quite a change in height for that area, but then again there is nothing there.

OPA / Rezoning 12 230482 STE 19 OZ Ward 19
- Tor & E.York Aug 16, 2012 --- --- --- Rees, Thomas
Rezoning to permit a mixed use development comprising two mixed-use buildings (Phase 2 Blocks 1 and 3) with three towers with overall tower heights of 49 storeys (Tower 1), 29 storeys (Tower 5) and 23 storeys (Tower 4). All buildings have ground floor commercial uses and a combined total of 1,109 residential units.

Application in to grow taller:

To modify the redevelopment plan approved under Site Specific By-law 159-2012 by increasing the 32-storey
mixed use "Building A" to 35 stories and the 27-storey mixed use "Building B" to 29 stories (the two tower
buildings are considered one building as they share an underground parking lot); increasing the combined
residential gross floor area and non-residential gross floor area; altering the building envelope; and increasing
the building heights.

Yep, that should be the tallest tower proposed for the entire Garrison Point development. It's the building distinct from the HP designed towers, seen in these renderings.

Design looks alright, the black profile is quite sharp. Overall it does reflect current American residential styles.
Apparently they are rolling out phase 1 now, starting with radio spots.....love the render on their twitter profile...


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Garrison%20Point%20Condos%20Podium%20Street%20View  .jpg





Love the staircase. My only wish is that this project/complex was located elsewhere, because it looks really decent and inviting -- especially with the pool and bridge at the point. But, I have always found Liberty Village (directly to the west) to be an island, and this will make matters worse. It's still very car-oriented here and a bit of a nightmare getting in and out.
Stunning design and interior spaces. That staircase is exceptionally sculptural, very museum-esque. If only the other LV developments had a fraction of the attention to detail displayed here.
I'm proud that a local firm designed this impressive project. It's a cut above most recent condo architecture by GTA firms. The staircase is obviously inspired by Gehry's AGO project, but it's an original take with its angularity, not merely derivative. The swimming pool looks amazing, but will it be a pleasant space to spend time in with loud diesel trains jetting by on both sides?
^considering most of the trains coming through are projected to be electrified in the coming years, it will probably be just fine.

Cityzen delivers yet again, am I really that surprised?
