Lmao you’re the best. I love parodies.

As requested: you’re right; basically Hong Kong! Wherever will our surface parking lots go?! Woe, is we!

View attachment 462795
Thanks central bank increased the interest rates then stoped buyers interest to buy, and greedy Pemberton realized if starts to presale should wait couple of years to sale enough to start it, yes now is not like last couple of years who the builders could sale in full in a couple of the weeks. if you are one of the greedy Pemberton's friend or families I'll see your cry behind of the laughter emojis you used to add to my reviews.
...I thought we get mad at Pemberton because of their liberal use of cheapening out spandrel'ella.
https://pub-richmondhill.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=58022 Staff are now supporting a revised application here.


