I just had a look at the renders in the dataBase http://urbantoronto.ca/database/projects/george-brown-college-waterfront-campus, and those from earlier in the thread, and I'm starting to wonder if the corrugated metal is in fact the final cladding material. It had a very seamless look to it when I saw it up close, and got the impression that close attention was paid to how well it was installed. Have a look at the renders. They too give these cladding sections a somewhat 'corrugated' look.




Despite Kuwabara's petulant whining about the flat-topped and therefore "suburban" Corus design, when his design review panel assessed that building, I'm delighted to see how the George Brown complex takes its cues from D+S's somewhat more unequivocal, sleek-hipped design.

The two match rather well, and I think they'll pass the test of time as an ensemble - much as streetscapes composed of handsomely-proportioned Georgian buildings often age better than later structures built by the Victorians with their obsession with making irritating statements against the skyline.
Despite Kuwabara's petulant whining about the flat-topped and therefore "suburban" Corus design, when his design review panel assessed that building, I'm delighted to see how the George Brown complex takes its cues from D+S's somewhat more unequivocal, sleek-hipped design.

The two match rather well, and I think they'll pass the test of time as an ensemble - much as streetscapes composed of handsomely-proportioned Georgian buildings often age better than later structures built by the Victorians with their obsession with making irritating statements against the skyline.

You have such a Modernist bias, it's insane. LOL. Of course you prefer Georgian over Victorian.
Me likey. My mind wanders to Pompidou because of the frank and explicit treatment of staircases, hence the flow of people.
A George Brown Residence, I believe, but I may be out-of-date on that. A tunnel extends under Dockside Dr. to connect this with the next building.



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Me likey. My mind wanders to Pompidou because of the frank and explicit treatment of staircases, hence the flow of people.

this is a rather stripped down, bare and soulless counterpart to Pompidou outside of the exposed staircases... but sure, lets dream big. Doug Ford big.
