The curb in question:


That's a bizarre grading mistake.....................

Someone (or several people) should be in trouble for this..........

It's pretty obvious.
Except for fixing the 2-level sidewalk which wasn't supposed to happen!
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Shame about the situation along the sidewalk and hope that it's something which can be addressed in the future. The building itself is overall a pretty positive addition though. From the brickwork, side cladding, glazing, and the floral bits for visual interest. Although, as our friend @Northern Light will remind us, an area of critique can be applied for the spacing between the ground and second levels for better retail unit accommodations.
Shame about the situation along the sidewalk and hope that it's something which can be addressed in the future. The building itself is overall a pretty positive addition though. From the brickwork, side cladding, glazing, and the floral bits for visual interest. Although, as our friend @Northern Light will remind us, an area of critique can be applied for the spacing between the ground and second levels for better retail unit accommodations.

Report to the next TEYCC meeting on this..........

Looks like there is no real fix to the sidewalk per se; only mitigation measures.

The curb in question:

View attachment 319355

That's a bizarre grading mistake.....................

Someone (or several people) should be in trouble for this..........

It's pretty obvious.
It's like an MC Escher drawing. so the sidewalk is too high meaning the building wasn't set right? the planters are level with the sidewalk but step down street twice. It's one thing for the original grading plan to be wrong but it was review through planning and permit approvals a few times. It really is bizarre. It would seem the easiest thing would be to drop a couple of planters in there or was this supposed to be a layby? So weird lol.
