(Via MPP Marit Stiles on facebook)
Part of the parking lot Value Village at 1319 Bloor st has been closed off with a large construction trailer on site. I'm fairly confident it's related to this.
Didn't realize that was happening right now
Yes, it's also a prerequisite for the southern railpath extension. Metrolinx has been coy about exact timelines, but there's some indication that grading and noise walls may be complete south of Dundas around this time next year.
Received just now by email:

Davenport Diamond Grade Separation: November 20th Open House and Project Update
Open House Public Information Session

Please join us for a public information session in the community:

November 20, 2019
Casa de Madeira, 1621 Dupont Street

The purpose of this meeting is to re-introduce the project to the surrounding communities, introduce Graham as the builder, set expectations for local impacts related to construction, listen to community concerns and feedback, and answer questions.

A series of display boards will provide information on the Guideway project. Members of the Graham and Metrolinx team will be present to provide information and answer questions.

Please note there will be a staffed kids table with activities available at this event.

More information on the project can be found at metrolinx.com/davenport

Registration is encouraged but not required: https://dd_openhouse.eventbrite.ca

More information on the venue can be found here: http://casadamadeira.ca/

We look forward to seeing you on November 20.

Davenport Diamond Project Update
The Davenport Diamond Grade Separation Project is a critical part of Metrolinx’s GO Expansion program. It will significantly improve service on the Barrie GO line.

For a period of three and a half years, the project will prepare and complete the construction of an elevated twin-track Guideway between approximately Bloor Street and Davenport Road.

Metrolinx is fully committed to delivering the Greenway public realm improvements under a separate contract, following construction of the elevated Guideway. Work on the Greenway will commence in 2023.

About GCRS
For the project to become a reality, Graham Commuter Rail Solutions (GCRS) has been selected as constructor for the Guideway.

GCRS brings a team that represents a combined 207 years of experience in Ontario spanning over 60 years. The team has planned, designed, or built over 500km of track or related railway design, including multiple elevated rail projects such as Calgary’s West LRT, Edmonton’s North LRT and Vancouver’s Evergreen Line LRT.

Construction Enabling Works To Date
Enabling works have begun to prepare the project site for major construction, which will begin in the Spring of 2020. This includes:
  • Temporary site office set-up in the Bloor Street Value Village parking lot
  • Temporary fence installation (Lansdowne Avenue; Wade Avenue)
  • Topographic survey night work in rail corridor
  • Geotechnical borehole drilling and soil sample extraction night work in rail corridor
  • Pre-condition surveys at surrounding properties
  • Noise and vibration testing at surrounding properties
Notices have been delivered to affected residents and businesses and will continue to be posted to the project website.

Upcoming Construction Works
  • Utilities investigation with hydrovac night work in rail corridor: October-November 2019
I hope the greenway contract brings back the watered-down elements -- that Davenport residents rightfully fought so hard for -- as a quid pro quo for choosing a cheaper viaduct over an expensive tunnel.

The bridge might be boringly watered down into drab appearance initially (ugg) but can still gain post-construction public-realm improvements like artwork, pillar cladding, accent lights, etc.
