^The notice indicates that the pile insertion will only take 9 days. After the GTS experience, ML may be taking pains to limit how much of that is done on any given day. I expect that lots of other tasks are bundled in as well. The message was to prepare residents for crews being on site for that length of time, not how long the wall itself will take.

- Paul
^ And just to confirm, this shoring is for the permanent structure, and not the temporary diversion track, right?
Have they indicated the capacity increase they expect from this project or the general reduction in delays for both GO and the freight companies?
Have they indicated the capacity increase they expect from this project or the general reduction in delays for both GO and the freight companies?

In absolute terms, no. But they have indicated plans for RER to have 15 minute headways in each direction. That's a train over the diamond every 7.5 minutes.

- Paul
It seems ridiculous that a new station at Wallace is not being contemplated as part of this project. That you have to travel to Downsview to get to the first station after Union is ludicrous and really illustrates GO / Metrolinx vision of itself as a service that moves people from outside to Toronto, not a relief valve for the overburdened TTC to move people within Toronto.
It seems ridiculous that a new station at Wallace is not being contemplated as part of this project. That you have to travel to Downsview to get to the first station after Union is ludicrous and really illustrates GO / Metrolinx vision of itself as a service that moves people from outside to Toronto, not a relief valve for the overburdened TTC to move people within Toronto.
They have plans to build three new stations between Downsview Park and Union:
Caledonia (Eglinton)
Bloor Lansdowne
^ At peak though, right? It think it's 30 min off peak service proposed?

15 mins all day between Union and Aurora, and then its either 30 mins on peak, 60 off peak to Allendale Waterfront, or 30 mins all day. Sources seem to be conflicted.
15 mins all day between Union and Aurora, and then its either 30 mins on peak, 60 off peak to Allendale Waterfront, or 30 mins all day. Sources seem to be conflicted.
According to GO Expansion Full Business Case,

15 mins both ways Union - Aurora +
15 mins Allandale Waterfront to Union +
60 mins Union to Allandale Waterfront

15 mins both ways Union - Aurora +
30 mins both ways Union - Allandale Waterfront

Double tracks are still missing in various sections.
It seems ridiculous that a new station at Wallace is not being contemplated as part of this project. That you have to travel to Downsview to get to the first station after Union is ludicrous and really illustrates GO / Metrolinx vision of itself as a service that moves people from outside to Toronto, not a relief valve for the overburdened TTC to move people within Toronto.
Caledonia has had its RFQ released already
Thanks all - forgive the ignorance.

is there a timeline on the Lansdowne Bloor station yet, or is that coming with the broader expansion and electrification of the network?
Thanks all - forgive the ignorance.

is there a timeline on the Lansdowne Bloor station yet, or is that coming with the broader expansion and electrification of the network?
I believe it's was part of the GO Expansion / RER program, but Metrolinx is doing that whole looking for a private sector developer to pay for it thing right now so it's sort of in limbo. The plans for the station had a future development site on it though so there is potential for it to at least be partially paid for through that route.
^ I was trying to think of the latest staff report from the City or reference in a Metrolinx Board meeting to this station and similar ones, but I think your above summary captures it perfectly and why waste time digging to find the latest date? Maybe there will be an update on the private sector-paying-for-stations approach at the June 25 2020 board meeting, but I somewhat doubt it. Might be too soon to gauge if/how covid-19 is impacting this policy.
