I’m curious.... haven’t been down that way lately - how did all that equipment get placed on the new track? Is there a switch at the south end, or did it all come in by flatbed ?

I've been wondering if they'll place switches or if one night they'll just disconnect the old track and hook up the diversion in its place. There'd be a certain amount of efficiency in not bothering with switches at all.
I've been wondering if they'll place switches or if one night they'll just disconnect the old track and hook up the diversion in its place. There'd be a certain amount of efficiency in not bothering with switches at all.

As they will be removing the current track once the diversion is in operation, there will be no switches. They will have a one-weekend closure where they cut over the ends of the track from the current track to the diversion, and then connect and test all of the signal connections as they tamp and prepare the last stretches of track for normal operation.

Into the swing now.

New thing to wonder about: Will they move the existing 'specialwork' for the diamond over to line up with the diversion, or drop in a new piece and remove the old? I supposed whichever is quickest as CP will not want their line to be down for long, but then again that stuff is expensive and you wouldn't want to commission a new piece just for temporary use. At the rate the diversion's been going in I suppose we won't be waiting too long for the answer. Hopefully someone on here can bear witness when the time comes...
New thing to wonder about: Will they move the existing 'specialwork' for the diamond over to line up with the diversion, or drop in a new piece and remove the old? I supposed whichever is quickest as CP will not want their line to be down for long, but then again that stuff is expensive and you wouldn't want to commission a new piece just for temporary use. At the rate the diversion's been going in I suppose we won't be waiting too long for the answer. Hopefully someone on here can bear witness when the time comes...

The original plan was to install a new second set of diamonds for the diversion track, and remove the original ones at some point in the not-so-distant future when CP allows for another work block.

I think that idea may have gone out the window though, as the plan was to have the line ready for weekend service as of the Labour Day weekend. Apparently the schedule has slipped a bit - as evidenced by the weekend Barrie service starting the weekend after.

Pictures in the latest Toronto West newsletter (it's Toronto West because it's west of Yonge).

Toronto West September 4, 2020
Davenport Diamond Progress
Check out the latest progress photos of the Davenport Diamond Grade Separation project!

Below, get a glimpse of a Dynamic Track Stabilizer in action (first photo). This piece of equipment is used to simulate train weight during track construction.

You'll also see the track panel across the Wallace Avenue roadway has been installed (second photo).
Davenport Diamond: Upcoming Construction
As part of the construction of the Davenport Diamond Grade Separation project, there are some upcoming construction activities. Please see below for a brief summary of these activities.
  • Temporary Davenport Diamond and Diversion Track Tie-In (Overnight)
    From Friday, September 4 to Wednesday, September 9, crews will be tying the diversion track in the main line and installing a temporary diamond at the GO Rail/CP Rail intersection.

    *Please note, this work was originally planned for September 4-7, but has been extended to September 9.

    This work is expected to take place continuously, 24 hours a day, for the duration of the work period.

    Most of the work will take place at three points along the corridor:
    1.) just north of Bloor Street
    2.) just north of Davenport Road
    3.) just north of Dupont Street at the CP diamond.

    More information is available here.
  • Main Line Track Removal (Overnight)
    The existing main line track will be removed to facilitate guideway construction. This work involves cutting and breaking down the existing track into smaller manageable pieces and removing it from the rail corridor.

    The work is scheduled to take place between Monday, September 14 and Sunday, September 20. Crews will be working continuously over the seven days, including overnight.

    More information is available here.
  • Campbell Park Tree Pruning
    As part of the preparatory work for the Davenport Diamond Guideway project, the Siberian Elm trees in Campbell Park that overhang onto the rail corridor will need to be pruned to facilitate guideway construction.

    The work is scheduled to take place in early to mid-September, following the end of bird nesting season. After this initial work, trimming will be done on an ongoing, as-needed basis.

    This work is scheduled to take place on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    For more information on this work and on how we are protecting these trees during construction, check out our tree pruning and protection fact sheet, available here.
Diamonds have been moved, a test train will be operated tomorrow to ensure the track is fit for service on Tuesday.

- Paul

Test train was supposed to be operated this - it sat for quite a few hours at York U and Downsview Stations - but there had been delays with the signal system tie-ins on the Metrolinx side.

