Based on the above architectural documents, it appears they are shrinking the commercial component significantly into a single shallow unit rather than keeping the 4 or 5 deep individual units.
Yeah the first floor i a bit deeper with the middle part looking like its one big atrium entrance, with the other floors being very narrow.. the whole thing is just a damn shell for parking which sucks. These plots were sooo deep originally. Now all plots are just gonna be tiny storefronts with the majority being internal parking..

the only problem with it being sent back to the drawing board is the more time passes, the more these deteriorate - they might not last much longer...

you echoed a lot of my sentiments - glad to see another person who values history and good design on here :)
Yeah the first floor i a bit deeper with the middle part looking like its one big atrium entrance, with the other floors being very narrow.. the whole thing is just a damn shell for parking which sucks. These plots were sooo deep originally. Now all plots are just gonna be tiny storefronts with the majority being internal parking..

the only problem with it being sent back to the drawing board is the more time passes, the more these deteriorate - they might not last much longer...

you echoed a lot of my sentiments - glad to see another person who values history and good design on here :)
I wrote about my distaste toward parking shells on Twitter and spoke a bit about the depth of these old units:
I say we park all the cars on top of the highrises and use slides to have them drive down like futuristic speedways lolol
Hotwheelization of our car infrastructure?

