City Planning Request for Directions Report

To be considered by North York Scarborough Community Council on September 15, 2009:

Just a thought ...

Gramercy Park Condos (Wilson & Allen, Malibu, 12 + 9s)


This application proposes to develop a mixed use condominium apartment building on the north portion of the property fronting Wilson Avenue with commercial uses and live/work units on the ground floor and 503 residential units above. A total of 642 parking spaces are proposed for the mixed use building in a 3-storey underground parking structure. Two loading areas will be incorporated into the building itself.

The applicant has appealed the proposed Site Plan Control application to the Ontario Municipal Board, citing Council’s lack of decision on the application within the time frame specified in the Planning Act. A hearing date on this appeal has been set for October 16, 2009.

The proposal represents an appropriate development of the subject site which implements a previous decision of the Municipal Board. This report seeks Council’s support of the proposed Site Plan Control application and recommends that staff attend the Ontario Municipal Board in support of the proposal, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


An application for an amendment to the Zoning By-law was made on October 16, 2006 for the 2.08 hectare site located at the southeast corner of Tippet Road and Wilson Avenue. The proposal sought to amend the zoning to permit a mixed use building on the north portion of the site fronting Wilson Avenue, having commercial uses and two-storey grade-related live/work units on the ground floor and 498 residential units above. The U shaped building would have a height of 6-storeys along Wilson Avenue, a 9-storey wing to the east and a 12-storey portion along Tippet Road. The south portion of the site was proposed to be developed with a 5-storey office building. The two buildings would be separated by a common driveway from Tippet Road that serves as the drop-off/pick-up area for both buildings.
Based on the pdf, it seems that the developer has no/or little intention of constructing the office building. Zoning was amended on the premise that the office building would be constructed first and now the developer is reneging. I guess the argument could be made that building the office first is going to cost the developer. Wouldn't be surprised if the office building never gets constructed. I hope the OMB does not side with the developer. Here' s an example of how useful the City Planning "Official Plan" really is.:mad:
An office building here makes zero sense. The area should go mid-rise residential, perhaps with some retail uses at base. Until this area has 100,000+ more residents, office space isn't sustainable here, especially in today's economic climate==why rent office space here when a bit further north, say in Maple, it's cheaper?
An office building here makes zero sense. The area should go mid-rise residential, perhaps with some retail uses at base. Until this area has 100,000+ more residents, office space isn't sustainable here, especially in today's economic climate==why rent office space here when a bit further north, say in Maple, it's cheaper?

Maybe because the city is trying to encourage business to return.
Maybe because the city is trying to encourage business to return.

I recall they were trying to lease the larger version of this building for some time now - there is even a link to a website, but I don't recall what it is.

Is it possible they couldn't lease much and hence reduced the scope of the project?
That's the site! :) Thanks...

Anyway, if it's still up maybe they're still attempting to lease more space.
New signage went up a few weeks ago advertising Phase 2. Anyone know when they are actually going to get moving on this project?


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thanks picard102 ...

apparently the new advertising for Union Square @ Gramercy Park = phase 2 = west tower of this U-shaped complex

phase 1 = east tower + 6 storey podium fronting Wilson Ave connecting the two towers
Daily Commercial News

Proj: 9108634-1
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON
Gramercy Park, 6 & 9 Tippet Rd, Wilson Ave, M3H
$30,000,000 est

Start: March, 2010

Complete: January, 2012

Note: Preliminary Working drawings are underway. Completion is anticipated February, 2010. Arch anticipates Owner will seek City Council approvals for building permits January, 2010. Subtrade tender and construction schedules will be set Spring/Summer, 2010. Further update May, 2010.

Project: concrete foundation, cast-in-place concrete structural frame, electric heating system, proposed construction of a condominium building with retail space at grade level. The project will be L-shaped, with a six-storey building along Wilson Ave and a nine-storey building on the Eastern portion of the site. The project will have 269 suites between the two structures and will also include a two storey amenity building adjacent to the six storey building on Wilson.

Scope: 270,000 square feet; 9 storeys; 2 storeys below grade; 3 structures; 269 units; parking for 630 cars; 2 acres

Development: New

Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services

This report Fri Oct 02, 2009.
Solaris -- interesting update. I was told (and pricing documents given to me) by the sales person state that for Phase I construction starts Winter 2010 and occupancy is targeted for Late Summer 2011; while Occupancy for Phase II is Winter 2011. The build details that are specified in that link describe Phase I to a 'T'. Sort of lines up, but seems to stretch my expectations a bit.
Scaled Model

Northeast + Northwest + Southwest + South Elevations
Click to Enlarge

Walkway Entrance into Courtyard from Sheppard Avenue

The Courtyard Garden

Main Lobby Entrance + Amenities
