As part of the consideration of this application, and in the course of the Garden District study,
Staff modelled new tower development on the site and adjacent properties. Staff have
determined that it is possible to construct a tower on the property at 175 Dundas Street East and
still construct a new tower on the site of the Grand Hotel to the south (the proposed tower is 25
metres from the existing Grand Hotel building). This policy direction does require that more of
the setback be absorbed by the neighbouring property to the south. However, due to the
constraints presented by the low-rise built form on George Street and the school yard of the
École Gabrielle Roy, it was concluded that the property to the south could only support one
tower, with a lower overall height or alternative massing, and that the development rights of the
southern property were, therefore, not adversely affected by the proposed policies as both
properties could contain one tower. The properties to the east of 175 Dundas Street East are not
considered appropriate for tower development given their cumulative size and their heritage
value being considered as part of the Heritage Conservation District Study. They are not
designated for tall building development in the GDSASP. The proposed tower development at
175 Dundas Street East, with its existing 5 metre setback is appropriate and in keeping with the
policy direction of the Downtown East Planning Study