There's no way the Maple Leafs will allow another NHL team in the GTA.

Well good thing they might not have a choice. The myth of the veto has been long perpetuated and the fact is, there's nothing to suggest that any team has territorial rights. It's not in the NHL's by-laws and it's never been put to a vote by the board of governors. Why? because it would violate anti-trust laws. Yes, when Anaheim got it's team, the Kings got a nice cheque, and similarly when the Devils got their team the Rangers were paid off, but there was no legal basis or it. It was just done to appease the owners of those clubs.

This very issue was brought up yesterday on HFboards and here's a pretty good summation of the legalities of the issue:
One interesting twist here is the jurisdictional issue - whether a Leaf challenge to a hypothetical NHL approval under 36.4(c) would be heard in US or Canadian Courts, under US or Canadian Law, or both (especially if the Leafs are challenging the relocation of a US based team). I would guess that the primary challenge would be under the CCB and Ontario courts.

The CCB's preliminary advisory ruling that the NHL's relocation policy did not violate the Competition Act was based on By-Law 36 being in effect - simple majority rule and no single team veto.

The Leafs might be in a Catch-22 here. If they challenge By-Law 36 as being an invalid de facto amendment to the NHL Constitution (which would have required a unanimous vote), they risk By-Law 36 being invalidated, which could lead to the CCB ruling that the territorial restrictions of Section 4 violate the Competition Act and are thus unenforceable - the net result would be a team would be free to move to Markham with no vote, no veto, no restrictions, and no territorial rights fees (which were one of the considerations in the vote under 36.4).
The kids will love that! A venue to go see concerts that isn't on a subway line! I remember when they tried to move the Virgin Music Festival outside of Toronto... they sold no tickets and had to move it back into the city just to get people to go to it. Most teenagers aren't driving to these shows.

Molson Park in Barrie never seemed to have trouble getting the kids to come to Lolapalooza or Edgefest
But common this isn't Barrie ... this is Markham ...
That's true but I feel like times are changing.

I don't know, there are still far more kids in the 905 than downtown. In many ways, this will be closer for much of the "teen audience." That's not even to mention the number of people in their late 20s and early 30s that still live with their parents in the burbs.

Not a very detailed rendering, but a rendering nonetheless.

I hope that's bus parking.
I doubt that rendering is even real, probably just a placeholder.
I wonder if another NHL team in the GTA would be successfull. Toronto is not so much a hockey city, but a leaf city. Just look at the poor following of the defuct Toronto AHL team, the Roadrunners. Fans actually cheered for the St. John's Maple Leafs as they were future TML players. Junior hockey isn't a major spectator sport here either. I'm not sure if even a second NHL franchise would draw many fans away from the Leafs.
I wonder if another NHL team in the GTA would be successfull. Toronto is not so much a hockey city, but a leaf city. Just look at the poor following of the defuct Toronto AHL team, the Roadrunners. Fans actually cheered for the St. John's Maple Leafs as they were future TML players. Junior hockey isn't a major spectator sport here either. I'm not sure if even a second NHL franchise would draw many fans away from the Leafs.

You do realize Toronto has a current AHL team, right?

Also, I wouldn't say that Toronto is a Leafs city. I think it is a city that demands the highest quality the sport can offer.
The rumour I heard was that the land under the ACC is planned to be redeployed for a very tall project and the Leafs and Raptors will be moving to the Markham Centre.

Makes a ton of sense but we will have to wait and see.

You are aware that MLSE is being sold right? Put it together.
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The rumour I heard was that the land under the ACC is planned to be redeployed for a very tall project and the Leafs and Raptors will be moving to the Markham Centre.

Makes a ton of sense but we will have to wait and see.

havent heard that but seems unlikely...find it hard to believe TML fans will stomach going to an arena that is not in Toronto proper (especially since sports teams have always been in downtown TO)
Well the parking around the ACC is disappearing fast and a venue like the ACC (and its successors) require parking - believe it or not. Add to that the value of the ACC site and its a no-brainer.

Moving out to Markham makes a ton of sense if you really want to build the brand and create a state of the art multi-use arena.

Toronto fans will support it if they are getting a state of the art arena. Besides, "Leaf Nation" doesn't all live on the subway line.
Well the parking around the ACC is disappearing fast and a venue like the ACC (and its successors) require parking - believe it or not. Add to that the value of the ACC site and its a no-brainer.

Moving out to Markham makes a ton of sense if you really want to build the brand and create a state of the art multi-use arena.

Toronto fans will support it if they are getting a state of the art arena. Besides, "Leaf Nation" doesn't all live on the subway line.

Wait... your actually serious?
