How exactly are you reaching a number greater than the population of Hamilton as potential riders?

Some people prefer gritty over sterile and extremely expensive condos, with the same chains over and over in the podium base.

The ideal is right in the middle of the two, like a neighbourhood like Brockton.
People in Burlington are not likely to ever take the LRT, nor Grimsby.

The LRT would have been transformational, but it wouldn't have effectively served everyone in the metro area. It is at the end of the only 1 transit line.
People in Burlington are not likely to ever take the LRT, nor Grimsby.

The LRT would have been transformational, but it wouldn't have effectively served everyone in the metro area. It is at the end of the only 1 transit line.

I was thinking of a 2 line system at minimum with better bus service. There's a lot of people who could benefit from better transit around the Hamilton area at least some of the time.
Hamilton would be better served by anything right now at this point. Even a B-Line LRT stub would be better than the joke of a transit system they have operating in the city right now.

Unfortunately the LRT isnt coming anytime soon, and Hamilton City Hall continues to be inept on improving bus service. Nevertheless i'm looking forward for McMaster's full transit study to be released.
So basically back to start to build LRT as initially intended. Funny! Guess someone smells that there will be substantial Federal money coming in and i would be waste to let that go.

Potential thorn is a one-term former mayor who is now a LPC MP. He said he supported cancellation when it happened.
So basically back to start to build LRT as initially intended. Funny! Guess someone smells that there will be substantial Federal money coming in and i would be waste to let that go.
Probably the case, same with the Francophone University.

Make a big fuss and hopefully draw in Federal funding- like a bird that fakes a broken wing- and backtrack out of previous Liberal promises to have the province pay entirely for the projects (admittedly not a good move by the Liberals).

It's understandable, but it does eat up political capital, goodwill, time, and even some money (from stopping the whole process).
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I got some points from reading the Task Force Report:
  • It seems that both LRT and BRT B-lines are on the table. As well as the chance of replacing both with GO service enhancements...
  • A full B-line LRT would need a funding top-up from the Feds. Or it could be built in phases.
  • They seem to think that the full BLAST network can be built within the 1 billion funding envelope. (A & B BRTs + L, S, & T Priority Busses)
  • I'm glad that they are separating BRTs from "Priority Busses". Hopefully, this protects from BRT creep.
  • They are giving preference to projects that can start construction within 2 years. This is good, but the BLAST network has barely been studied, while the LRT is basically shovel ready.
Let’s all collectively hope like all hell.

The good news is it’s a very rare more or less shovel ready project for stimulus spending from the feds for Covid recovery. It’s rare for a project this large not to have funding and be so close to construction.
I am doubtful that the project will be reduced to a BRT, especially since the task force prefers the LRT and the fact that it will be the quickest option to get into construction. This whole cancellation debacle was definitely planned to leverage federal funding. We will probably also see the the Ford government modify minor details here and there to "improve" the project like they did with the HuLRT before it went into procurement.
