“except one thing and that is for both provincial and federal governments now to get together and figure out how to move forward.”

That, uh...seems like the most important bit, no?

EDIT: Also:

“ Mancinelli said he does not see the City of Hamilton putting money into any deal, but it could encourage the project with investment and permitting incentives.”

Man, Hamilton is it’s own worst enemy, huh.
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When LIUNA's executive team shows more leadership on a transit file than Hamilton City Council, that really shows you how embarrassing the state of play is in Hamilton.

Without LIUNA we wouldnt be seeing such quick momentum on this. Eisenburger and Co. are an embarrassment.
I hope that there is a clean sweep of house in the 2022 elections.. but I'm doubtful.
^Make no doubt nothing will change in Hamilton politics, same same collective group of clowns will be back in 2022.

Unfortunately it seems like Freddy has no intention of leaving anytime soon.
Poor Hamilton City Councillors are sad that LIUNA is doing their jobs for them.

I dont know what they're crying about, because it's freed up their time to be incompetent in other city affairs they like to screw around with.
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Ford was asked about the Hamilton LRT during a press conference in Hamilton today.


