New rendering posted via twitter.

They've also been purchasing (expropriating) several properties over the last several months -- a 7-11 has been boarded up and ready for demolition. Reportedly roughly $100M have been 'committed' (contracts that locks up future payments, expropriation, studies, design, survey/early works, etc).

Also, the city designed many areas as 6-storey transit oriented corridor with allowances for up to 30-stories closer to downtown parts.

Shovels should finally hit the ground next year if this survives election. Municipal politics will probably be very dirty on the LRT topic as it has been in the past.
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Shovels should finally hit the ground next year if this survives election. Municipal politics will probably be very dirty on the LRT topic as it has been in the past.
It's pretty sad how this LRT has been an election issue for the previous 2 municipal elections, even after there have been commitments from the Liberal government. If the PCs get elected, I can almost guarantee everyone that this line will get cancelled if city hall starts up their whining again.
^It seems like LRT is in a chronic cycle of support and then non-support from City Hall. In Eisenberger's first term the LRT was an issue, and he ultimately supported it even though barely any progress was made during the term. Them Bratina was voted in and everything just went backwards. Eisenberger came back for round 2 and the project continued to drag on slowly under his watch.

At this point i'm expecting some anti-LRT candidate to get voted in and the whole project will end up being scrapped. If that were to happen, I would lay the blame directly on Eisenberger's head; the fact that this project has gone through 2 full terms without even a shovel in the ground (asides for utility work) is just shameful.
Doesn't make sense to me, if they were gonna do that you'd expect them to layer it on top of the TTC with some buffer room. So maybe call ION Line 8 etc. I seriously doubt thats gonna happen anyways. . .

I could see it being renumbered if they ever made the GTA a multi fare zone area.
Lets here your top 5 reasons. I see it as a natural progression. Didn't Metro Toronto have fare zones?

1) It would require the elimination of double fares and we can already see how that is going since municipalities are constantly bickering over who should cover the cost of operating outside their boundaries (ie: the 108 Dixie Express in Mississauga/Brampton operates with both MiWay and Brampton Transit vehicles as a way to "resolve" the issue.

2) Transit operators in the GTA have different fare structures, and there would need to be a harmonized solution adopted (ie: currently a child fare in Mississauga is different compared to Toronto, a student fare in Toronto is different compared to Hamilton)

3) It would require moving all fares to tap on/off which Presto cant do it it's current state for 5+ municipalities region wide. As a result, Presto would have to be significantly enhanced at a large cost

4) There is a significant cost difference between using the GO Train/Bus vs. municipal transit region-wide for similar length trips

5) Time of use difference for future peak vs off-peak service hours region wide (ie: MiWay may want a different time of use structure compared to the TTC)

Region-wide fare integration is a lot more complex than you think, and it is easier said than done.
