This was just released about an hour ago.. so nothing as of yet. I'll def post if anything pops up.

There are a couple still renderings for other parts of the line floating around.. I'll see what I can do.

Notice in the clip that King St E is pedestrianized between Walnut & Mary? No thru traffic on King St downtown. That's a TOUGH sell!

EDIT: pdf from Hamilton Rapid Transit Office with renderings:
LRT plans for the B-Line in Hamilton






I can't believe so many of the councillors object to the $130 million cost of the LRT. It seems so cheap compared to the $1.2 billion Hurontario-Main LRT...
B-Line LRT will cost about $800 million. The $130 million would cover the city’s capital costs.
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I loved how real-life and detailed the videos and images look, as if the LRT was to be plopped down this spring, the only exception is that the MacNab bus terminal is open.

I am kind of disappointed that the Pan-Am/Ti-Cat stadium was decided on refurbishing the old Ivor Wynne rather than the Bayfront or TH&B yards sites, but at least it's on the corridor (a few blocks of a walk) rather than in a fallow field on the east Mountain.

Oh, to see overhead transit wiring above Hamilton streets again! And to put truth back to the name HSR!

(This just doesn't cut it)

This does:

At least this is a real trolley bus, unlike the first photo which is a "trolley" bus. And the colour scheme matches those of the Ti-Cats and the Hamilton-standard traffic signal (now embraced by Waterloo Region and Sudbury, if neglected in Burlington and Mississauga)
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I am kind of disappointed that the Pan-Am/Ti-Cat stadium was decided on refurbishing the old Ivor Wynne rather than the Bayfront or TH&B yards sites, but at least it's on the corridor (a few blocks of a walk) rather than in a fallow field on the east Mountain.

Actually the Scott Park stop is a new stop. It was just recently added, likely because of the recent Ivor Wynne renovation proposal.
Are there plans for a maintenance yard?

I believe down in the West Harbour area. Just west of the proposed PanAm Park & Residential.
This should give you an idea.. the area is already home to a railyard: Google Map
They should also include that portion of the A-Line (James St) while building the B-Line as they would need access to the maintenance yard regardless.

@ShonTron, that's the Gore-to-Shore 'Trolley'. It's FREE but only runs June-September.
DC83- thanks for the link- great map on that link- I have read of the A and B lines but was not aware of the other lines. Hopefully these become reality soon- especially like the A Line connecting the airport with this rapid transit line. Hopefully the Hunter Street Go station (James St) gets some investment too. I hope it soon gets all day two way service between Union and that station.
Save Hamilton's Light Rail Initiative!

Hamilton's Mayor, Bob Bratina, is trying to give the McGuinty Liberals an Out on their promise to fund Hamilton Light Rail.

PLEASE sign this petition so that yet another Ontario LRT project is not shelved!

MUI IMPORTANTE! Thanks for your support, everyone :)
