Mechanical penthouse continues to be clad and slab-mounted balcony guards being installed! Very exciting.

Woah is that LED lighting under the balconies? At the top of the suite balcony. Cool!
Don't think so. Could be wrong but I believe these are heat trace cables under the slab for the units that have indoor floor area cantilever over balconies. Right now on site, these cables only exist on the above-mentioned conditions. Not sure how they are going to detail this because as far as I know, the balcony slabs will remain exposed so these should also be exposed? Maybe someone else can clarify what these are?
Don't think so. Could be wrong but I believe these are heat trace cables under the slab for the units that have indoor floor area cantilever over balconies. Right now on site, these cables only exist on the above-mentioned conditions. Not sure how they are going to detail this because as far as I know, the balcony slabs will remain exposed so these should also be exposed? Maybe someone else can clarify what these are?

I had the same thought because the cables are limited exactly to where the units above overhang the balconies. But I found it somewhat weird they are located under the slab instead of a system like under floor heating inside the unit above. Wouldn't heating the slab from the underside be very inefficient?

I have to think these will be covered, but I'm also not sure how.
The only features posted for the balconies were

  • Electrical outlets on balconies and terraces
  • Terraces* and oversized balconies also come with water and gas connections
I had the same thought because the cables are limited exactly to where the units above overhang the balconies. But I found it somewhat weird they are located under the slab instead of a system like under floor heating inside the unit above. Wouldn't heating the slab from the underside be very inefficient?

I have to think these will be covered, but I'm also not sure how.
So I took another close look on my walk. Looks like these are glycol snow melt wiring which is probably there to deal with any moisture build up that would freeze/thaw in the future soffit condition. This may be their quick and easy way to deal with insulating the slab for cantilever units without actually adding and insulation layer? You're right that heating would usually be radiant and embedded in a concrete topping which is far from standard practice for condos. I also noticed that in each case, the level below has slightly higher window frames and the level above, the frames drop just a bit past the slab, so it looks like the may apply a thin black finish material in just these locations and terminate it where the cantilever stops, maybe to make them appear like floating boxes. Also noticed they were removing a lot of the window wall underneath these conditions while framing the dropped ceiling inside, which may end up aligning with the future potential soffit.

i may be totally off base, but that’s what it appears like.
