




Reflective cladding on the underside of the slanted ‘canopy’

That's the funky shiny cladding in Underpass Park, if it's the second last image you're referring to. Similarities to the underbelly of Harris Sq.
Oh right, I was looking under the wrong structure. Nevermind then. And boy that was embarrassing of me. >.<
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Whats beyond me is how low the standards are of residential developers and some users on this forum.

Me too, to be honest. So many people say that "people don't want to pay for architecture, so the developers don't invest in it". But if you look at resale homes, it's so often the homes with "character" that fetch the highest prices. "Character", or attention to architectural and design details, seems to elicit an emotional response which encourages people to spend more money than they otherwise would have. And that's not a bad thing if they end up being more satisfied with their purchases than they otherwise would have been.
