So NIMBYs can't stand in the way of this anymore if the OMB reforms are implemented. Within 500m of the TTC station, no third party appeals.
There's no chance the City will approve this at the density that has been requested. Whatever the City does approve it at though will not likely appease all NIMBYs, so there is still likely to be opposition. We'll see how it goes…

The Community Services and Facilities Study submitted made for a good laugh. Schools in the neighbourhood can apparently support 6.92% more primary and 15.91% secondary students.

With Ursula Franklin Academy having the capacity to scoop up 131 more students..... o_O

Just walking around the smaller 1990 Bloor Street West and 2114 Bloor St West Condos site, you can still see the classic TDSB signs reading "If you're moving in and got kids, they ain't going to school in this neighbourhood"
This was appealed to the OMB in August, 2017. The first pre-hearing conference comes up on January 31.

^According to the NRU, the board ruled at that pre-hearing that the city's site and area specific policy does not apply to this site as it was not approved by council until almost a full year after this application was made. The city wanted to bypass the clergy principle, which the board ruled against. The full hearing for the project is scheduled in January of 2020.
New docs posted October 11:

Heights have been revised to 35, 30, 11 and 4 storeys:




Site Plan Approval application submitted on Oct. 14:

Development Applications

Updated project description:
The proposed development would maintain the existing four rental buildings on the lands, while proposing to demolish two blocks of existing townhouses comprised of 20 total units, to accommodate four new rental buildings with 792 dwelling units at proposed building heights of 35, 11, 30 and 5 stories.
