Sorry sj2qw, what do you mean exactly?

Gee, these guys secured 3.3 acres of land:confused: ...that's the surface parking lot west to the Better Living Centre
wow, that equals to 3 football fields, not good:mad:

Mr. Kallan and his partners also secured 3.3 acres next to the hotel site for future development.
“This would not be achievable in any North American city that is considered a downtown location,†the developer said.

I'm just curious if anyone has any thoughts on what they might do with the additional 3.3 acres? Seems like a pretty decent chunk of land. Perhaps some sort of facility or attraction?
What is that in the background to the right of Hotel X in the first picture? Looks like some tall blue/black coloums. Are they building something there?
What is that in the background to the right of Hotel X in the first picture? Looks like some tall blue/black coloums. Are they building something there?
It's a temporary stage for a concert, can't remember which one though.
I wonder if hotel guests are going to be complaining about the noise from events like Digital Dreams, once this hotel opens? (and have the hotel try to close it down) Things like that have a tendency to happen in this city.
Ahhh that's what I thought! Thanks someMidTowner. Digital Dreams is expected to get an attendance of about 100,000 this year. That's a pretty massive festival, it's claimed to be Canada's largest EDM festival. I don't see anything happening to it. Such a great venue, great festival & many good vibes.
If that's what you call people staggering all over the parks and roads and wandering through the neighbourhoods peeing wherever they feel like it, not to mention throwing up, then sure. Of all of the special/concert events in the area, DD is the worst. There are lots of other events that happen at Echo Beach and the amphitheatre, but you don't see the area full f people in various states of consciousness wandering around before and after.

There is also a far more significant police presence at DD than at any of the other events

And then there is the mountains of garbage that are left all along the trail after DD. It doesn't get cleaned up for weeks. Compare that to the Caribbean festival or the Indy where the cleaning crew is out in full force the next day. The hotel should love it when all that crap starts blowing all over their property.
