Giorgio Mammoliti is on the board. That should tell you all you need to know about the board of the Ex.

And it also says a lot about the current mayor who appointed him to the board, as well as a number of other positions such as Civic Appointments Committee, Toronto Zoo board, and Licensing & Standards Committee.
The whole problem with Mammoliti is that his constituents are smart enough to keep voting the man back into office. I mean that might be the single most irresponsible and foolish decision since RoFo being elected.
Each councillor must be on some committee or organization with the city. Mammoliti might have been given his "job" where he can do the least damage. The bad news, the "damage" may end up bigger than first thought.
As much as I dislike Mammo, it's not just him that's the problem. The Ex, like OP basically existed as space that nobody had the stomach to make any big moves on - and instead got chewed up by incremental crappy developments.

At least Mammoliti is attending the Ex meetings. When Rob Ford was a councillor (before he was mayor), he didn't attend most Ex meetings.
The way i see it, yeah the design is crappy which is unfortunate to this iconic waterfront property,
but its what it brings, a 4-star hotel,with all kinds of sports and fitness facilities, retail, parkland, etc.

This is sure going to add a 24/7 buzz to an area that has very little going on other than when there are events
The way i see it, yeah the design is crappy which is unfortunate to this iconic waterfront property,
but its what it brings, a 4-star hotel,with all kinds of sports and fitness facilities, retail, parkland, etc.

This is sure going to add a 24/7 buzz to an area that has very little going on other than when there are events

400 rooms x 2 = less than 1000 people max. isn't going to add a lot of buzz to a what, 200 acre site - and that's assuming they don't get holed up in the exhibition halls (which I suspect is one of the main reason for the hotel).

I still think that the Princes' Blvd Entry should be really cool with the green pergola structure, glass floor, and the surrounding landscaping looks great vs. a parking lot! It's not the Delta on the outside, but it will serve it's purpose here and have awesome sports facilities, great rooftop amenities with views of the lake, and other benefits that will more than make up for a boring exterior structure. Adding the nighttime lighting with the purple and blue lights should look cool, as will the rooftop areas at night.

I disagree with some posters that we don't need a hotel here. It's a long time coming for exhibitors who have long days and just want to crash somewhere close. We are looking forward to spending the night here, but I imagine occupancy will be high most times.
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I still think that the Princes' Blvd Entry should be really cool with the green pergola structure, glass floor, and the surrounding landscaping looks great vs. a parking lot! It's not the Delta on the outside, but it will serve it's purpose here and have awesome sports facilities, great rooftop amenities with views of the lake, and other benefits that will more than make up for a boring exterior structure. Adding the nighttime lighting with the purple and blue lights should look cool, as will the rooftop areas at night.

Nope, this project is junk for an aesthetics perspective - and considering the site in question, we should be aiming for something that is more than utilitarian. As it stands now, the project looks more soul-deadening than the condos down the street.

At a more fundamental level, how the tower was sited relative to the Ex/OP ensemble is problematical as well. It added nothing and took away much.

I think this project added a hotel and took away a parking lot. I don't recall it being paradise.
I think this project added a hotel and took away a parking lot. I don't recall it being paradise.

God, if that were the standard, then we could just as easily say that the whole place was a swamp in the 1700s so we should be happy with whatever mediocrity is built.

In an important area like this, characterized by historic buildings and good architecture, we should be striving for better quality than this. Comparing it to a surface parking lot that previously existed completely misses the point.
