At leest you hasent fergottn how 2 spel.

In reality, only 2 hotels bit the dust (if you don't count the eternally U/C Templar on Adelaide) - One Bloor and, more recently, Gansevoort.

Thanks for noticing, but anything but the content

In reality there were more, Aloft and element were cancelled, there was another Hampton planned, plus about a half a dozen in the entire GTA
Thanks for noticing, but anything but the content

In reality there were more, Aloft and element were cancelled, there was another Hampton planned, plus about a half a dozen in the entire GTA

Oh, believe me, I got, but anything but, the, content,,

Take two seconds to edit your posts fcfan, and see the immediate change in the way people treat you around here. You raise a fair point, but do so in such an boorish and amateur way that few will take/are taking you seriously.
Ok i see, youre a doom and gloom kinda guy, even your favourite soccer team is down in the pits.:rolleyes:

Doom and gloom, actually I'm quite the opposiite, check my previous posts.

Not sure where that came from, all I said was that there is no need for another hotel in city. Especially if it has any sort of support from the city.

Basic principle more hotels rooms (a lot more) are coming online in the next few years, and demand will not pace supply.

So I would like to seem something other than a few restaurants and stuff to do with shopping. (cultural appeal is now found in most cities)

I want something by the public for the public, I mean how about a nice aquarium, monuements, something on the island that could be used year round, anything!!
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Oh, believe me, I got, but anything but, the, content,,

Take two seconds to edit your posts fcfan, and see the immediate change in the way people treat you around here. You raise a fair point, but do so in such an boorish and amateur way that few will take/are taking you seriously.

Thank you, I appreciate that and will make it a point to do so.

(I was sending those messages from my blackberry and they were a pain to edit)
Doom and gloom, actually I'm quite the opposiite, check my previous posts.

Not sure where that came from, all I said was there was no need for another hotel in city. Especially if it has any sort of support from the city.

Basic principle more hotels rooms (a lot more) are coming online in the next few years than demand. So I would like to seem something other than a few restaurants and stuff to do with shopping. (and hang up this cultural appeal thing because most of the bigger cities have it aswell), I want something by the public for the public, I mean how about a nice aquarium, monuements, something on the island that could be used year round, anything!!

BATA Shoe Museum
Fort York
Toronto Island (I know you mentioned this, but it's worth noting anyways)
Ontario Place
Distillery District
St. Lawrence Market
CN Tower
Toronto Botanical Gardens
Science Center
Aga Khan/Ismali Center (in the future)
Hockey Hall of Fame
Medieval Times
Nuit Blanche
Casa Loma
Yonge/Dundas Square
Toronto Zoo
Black Creek Pioneer Village

You're right fcfan, this city's a real shit-show.
Maestro, we lost the most revpar in all of Canada, and occupancy is definetly in the bottom five markets in Canada, I can provide data if you wish.

Good for you. I can also provides data that shows downtown Toronto still has the highest (or second highest) average RevPar in the nation regardless of how much has been lost.

We are competing with more and more cities all the while conventions are on a downward spiral having peaked even before the sub prime bust. The Direct Energy Cente needs a hotel for any chance to compete. It's not the right time to throw in the towel either
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BATA Shoe Museum
Fort York
Toronto Island (I know you mentioned this, but it's worth noting anyways)
Ontario Place
Distillery District
St. Lawrence Market
CN Tower
Toronto Botanical Gardens
Science Center
Aga Khan/Ismali Center (in the future)
Hockey Hall of Fame
Medieval Times
Nuit Blanche
Casa Loma
Yonge/Dundas Square
Toronto Zoo
Black Creek Pioneer Village

You're right fcfan, this city's a real shit-show.

These are all great, we should preserve and maintain all of these.

Now with all the new hotel rooms coming online in the next few years, will the addition of new hotel rooms create enough additional demand to fill the new rooms, or do you think the list you provided will produce the extra demand?

This new HK hotel will have 320 rooms or add an addionational 116,800 room nights per year in Toronto. All I want to know is how are we going to fill these rooms, the pie is only so big.

We need to focus on growing our demand generators to keep pace with new hotel room supply.
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If the market can't bare the additional rooms well, some will likely go the way of the 720 room Colony Hotel or better yet, Lord Simcoe or Ford. (Not to say there isn't room for growth when you have condos and university residences operated as hotels.)
Good for you. I can also provides data that shows downtown Toronto still has the highest (or second highest) average RevPar in the nation regardless of how much has been lost.

We are competing with more and more cities all the while conventions are on a downward spiral having peaked even before the sub prime bust. The Direct Energy Cente needs a hotel for any chance to compete. It's not the right time to throw in the towel either

The amount of conventions we are losing does not out weigh the risk of adding 116,800 additional room night/year in the city.

A three day convention using every single room in this new hotel, would only require 960 rooms. Our existing supply can handle this quite easily.

The other risk is that the Exhibition gounds do not fall within the core of the city. Would meeting/convention planners not want restaurants, amenities, taxis, public transit within walking distance of the hotel for the potential thousands of attendees?
If the market can't bare the additional rooms well, some will likely go the way of the 720 room Colony Hotel or better yet, Lord Simcoe or Ford. (Not to say there isn't room for growth when you have condos and university residences operated as hotels.)

I completely agree with you, highest and best use dominates. the Aloft/Element on 560 Front is a prime example of this.

I just dont agree with this being put on city/public land, and supported by council. Because it will squeeze municipal tax paying hotels.

On private land do as you please, 3000 rooms or 3 rooms.....whatever
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If having a hotel with its attendant amenities on the grounds allows ExPlace to lure more conventions and trade shows to their facilities - venues which can accommodate thousands of people - the 320 rooms available are not likely to suffice in most cases, so any extra convention business generated will spill over to other hotels, dining establishments, and countless other service firms in this town.

TFCFan - I agree that the city needs to more aggressively pursue new attractions, and needs to do a better job promoting all of the notable things we have here already... but I fail to see how this project could hurt.

And there we have it. Really; what difference does it make if it's on the CNE grounds or liberty village? This is likely a private venture with the same tax paying responsibilities as any other hotel. It just so happens to be built on leased city property (technically, we all on leased city property but that's another arguement)

The amount of conventions we are losing does not out weigh the risk of adding 116,800 additional room night/year in the city.

C'mon, you're being ridiculous. the 116,800 additional is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the roughly 12,000,000 room night/year we already have.

Again. ..this project will only make the Direct Energy Centre more competitive in the grossly overbuilt convention market. It's not a risk but, a necessity.

I agree that the city needs to more aggressively pursue new attractions, and needs to do a better job promoting all of the notable things we have here already... but I fail to see how this project could hurt.

There's always room for improvement but we've made huge gains during the recent so called "cultural renaissance". The city as a whole (i.e. everyone) deserves high marks.

Of course, TIFF alone probably filled up more hotel rooms at top dollar than all our cultural amenities combined.
Keep dreaming! If the Ont Gov't builds anymore universities, the money will go to a hinterland town, like how UOIT is now out in Oshbygoshawa.
Yeah 10 years ago everyone wanted to go to Queens, Mcmaster, Laurier, Waterloo and UFT.

Ryerson and York have attracted a huge number of local students that would have tried going to those Schools.
