This map is close to what I meant by covering up the Hotel X mistake with other buildings. Leaving it standing there all by itself is an unmissable thorn in the area. Developing on both sides of Lake Shore would turn it into a true urban boulevard with high rises on the north side, and mid rises tapering down to low rises towards the lake. Hotel X would largely disappear, diluted into the more interesting mass of buildings around it.

The Fair Grounds should remain flexible open space, though definitely not surface parking lots. I’d even call for permanent yearlong features like a Ferris wheel and cable car and then have the midway rides, food and Exhibition shows augmenting the permanent rides during the CNE each end of summer.

If you want highrises, I think a mixture of midrises on both sides of Lake Shore + a few evenly-spaced point towers (around 15-25 floors high) on the south side should avoiding shadowing the EX's grounds to the north.

Oh- and while we're still on the topic of fantasies- I'd like the Electric and Engineering Building's front facade (excluding the courtyard) to be rebuilt facing the Automotive Building. Some of the carvings and statuary have been preserved in storage, the Enercare Building already has a quasi-historicist facade (an awful one) that fits the footprint of the original, and it would be an opportunity to right the one of the architectural wrongs inflicted on Toronto. But I digress...


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Hahaha, take that Boston.

Heh. Normally, I'd of course much rather stay at the Royal York, but in this case, given the peculiar circumstances (I believe the notion is that the players won't be allowed to leave the hotel except to go travel to games/practices on the team bus), since the RY doesn't have any outdoor amenity space, I'd take the X and its rooftop pool/bar situation.
Hotel X is ugly on the outside, not the inside.

Yeah, normally I'd be notionally opposed to its physical placement within an uninteresting sea of surface parking and conference venues, but that's not so much a thing when you're literally not allowed out the front door!
Yeah, normally I'd be notionally opposed to its physical placement within an uninteresting sea of surface parking and conference venues, but that's not so much a thing when you're literally not allowed out the front door!

As far as preventing the spread of a virus goes, Hotel X is the perfect location.
since the RY doesn't have any outdoor amenity space, I'd take the X and its rooftop pool/bar situation.

Across from your division rivals sipping tiki drinks? Move over Bachelor in Paradise, we've found this season's hottest new reality show!

Hmm?..yeah including a 2nd Tower

At its meeting of September 18, 2020 the Board received an information report on Hotel X Development - Phase 2 Lands, that the Tenant wishes to exercise its option rights for the 2nd tower and other related amenities after have they give formal written notice. The Board Decision resulted in the following adopted Motions:
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. Since when did they have an "option" to build a 2nd tower?

Also is there any way the entire Exhibition Board can be forcibly removed for allowing continued successive idiotic proposals to be built?
