First off, you are dealing with a compound grade for both the CP tracks and Hurontario as both are on a grade.

You have to be a min of 75' blow CP tracks by Given Rd to get under the creek.

At 2% grade, where should the the start of the grade start to the east?

Cawthra Rd see the CP tracks passing over the road.

If you take the tunnel line in a slight curb off the CP tracks at Given Rd, the line will connect with Hurontario St just south of Central Parkway. This means there will be no connect to Cooksville GO station that exist today. You will be going under mostly townhouses, and one apartment building. Your curbs are smaller than TTC tunnels and those subway wheel squeal.

A station at Elm is the right location as it a small hub now.

At 2% grade from the 403 Hydro corridor and the CP tracks will have a lot of NIMBY opposing this connection. The CP tracks are about 30' above the 403 at this point. That about 110' different in elevation after the line leaves Sq One.

You have 2 heavy NIMBY areas. I'm sure OMER's will have something to say for the Sq One area.

I live 1/2 mile from the tracks and I can hear the trains with the windows close for Both GO and CP.

The people living next to the tracks of the existing line cannot complain about any type of operation since the RR tracks were there long before they were born. By buying/renting homes along the tracks, they gave up their rights to complain about the noise or smell. How every, they do have rights to complain for this branch line.
Hurontario Corridor Higher-Order Transit Study Public Information Meeting

Mississauga Transit Bus at CCTT Learn about the study reviewing higher-order transit, land use and urban design on Hurontario Street to review how transit can be improved on this corridor.

Event Date(s):
June 25, 2008

Location: Frank McKechnie Community Centre
310 Bristol Rd. E.
Mississauga, Ontario
Phone: 905-615-4660
Place Type: Community Centre

Duration: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

NOTE: You have to use 6:12 route 65 from Sq One to get there for 7:00
pm and it runs every 40 minutes. Get off at stop 3030 that is the
closes stop to the centre. To come back, 7:51, 8:31. 9:21 are the time
for return trip that will take 15 minutes.

If you want to leave Sq One later, you are better off using 19's and
it just over a 10 minute walk from Hurontario St.

The High school on the west-south corner of Bristol/Hurontario could
have been used for transit friendly use. This is a car friendly site.
:rolleyes: Agreed, it's certainly a bit strange that a public meeting regarding transit would be held in this out of the way location. The high school at Bristol Road would have been more suitable, or City Hall itself, or Noel Ryan Auditorium, or Kennedy High School, or ...

Nevertheless, I will certainly try to be there to learn about this important project.
Obs. Walt:

Actually it's not a strange thing at all - there are many subtle (and not so subtle) ways of skewing debates - all of which are historically proven techniques. What better way than to ensure uneven access to an event?

The instructions drum posted by using MT to get to the event is only further proof. Like seriously, is this an artifact of the suburban mindset (ie. everyone drives, including transit users) - which is rather ironic, considering this is an event about transit...or is it something more sinister?

@ AoD

This is par for the course for Mississauga, unfortunately. The BRT open house a few months back was interesting. I can supply two people who can testify to an allegation that staff may have falsified public comment in favour of the plan being presented.
Wow. I had doubts about Mississauga's public consulation, but I'd love to hear more about the 403 BRT spin.

It's as bad as the TTC's "consultations" for Sheppard East Transfer City, where both were well out of the way of good public transit links. (The one on Milner practically everybody drove to.) At least this time around, they are actually fairly accessible.

Where's Mississauga Muse when you need her?
If it's so hard to get to by transit, it would ideally motivate people to demand better transit. The keyword is "ideally".
Formal Complaint and Request

I will be writing to the offices of the Mayor, City Councillor, City Manger and Transport Commissioner expressing my disapointment in the poor venue selection and requesting that the meeting be moved to a more central and accessible location.

Too bad I am in Quebec I cannot go to this, though it would probably still be difficult to get there even if I was still in Mississauga. Walking 10 min from Hurontario would probably be the easiest way.
From what I can tell, LRT is still being looked at as a possiblity for Hurontario. It better damn well end up being LRT. BRT does not suit this corridor at all. Elevated LRT would work the best if you ask me. At least in certain parts.

From The Mississauga News this week edition:
Brampton's PIC location is much more suited to transit than the Mississauga one, again at Frank McKechnie. I'm moving this to the Hurontario LRT thread.
I don't know why it's at that community centre. If it were at city hall I might attend, but I'm not about to drive up to Bristol for this.
