Brampton will look for Liberal payback to help new LRT plan

One of the main reasons Bowman refused to back the province’s Main St. LRT route was because it would have given Brampton only 5.6 kilometres of track, compared to the 17.6 kilometres that Mississauga will get. And Brampton’s provincial funding share of the overall line would have been far less than the $1.3 billion Mississauga will get.

'More of the project will be in another city, and they will get more money for it, so we don't want any of the money you're offering us.'

What kind of backwards logic is that?!
Honestly, I think Queen is the #1 corridor in Brampton. Just difficult to build LRT there because the LRT would probably have to go deep into Vaughan...

All that ML has committed to study on Queen is, like Main, will likely show numbers more supportive of BRT than LRT and since that works well with what our neihbour to the East is building/implementing will get full support.

Queen is a good corridor....but it is not an LRT corridor.
This is why politicians need to be removed from making decisions about transit. They always find a way to screw things up. 100% of the blame for the transit woes in this region is down to politicians. Going by the dude's logic above, Mississauga should reject any future Eglinton LRT extension to the airport because more of it is in Toronto. Where do we find these people from?
This is why politicians need to be removed from making decisions about transit. They always find a way to screw things up. 100% of the blame for the transit woes in this region is down to politicians. Going by the dude's logic above, Mississauga should reject any future Eglinton LRT extension to the airport because more of it is in Toronto. Where do we find these people from?
Politicians also saved us from 'experts' turning Toronto into some kind of Robert Moses dream dystopia.

That being said, we need to throw these politicians out.
Politicians also saved us from 'experts' turning Toronto into some kind of Robert Moses dream dystopia.

That being said, we need to throw these politicians out.

Couldn't agree more. I'm so tired of the bull from these politicians. We need leaders who'll do the right thing and quit the pandering.
Screw em!

If they don't want free money for transportation then they should damn well have to pay for it themselves. I really hope Wynne sticks to her guns and says it either the whole original route or you don't get a dime.

Give the money to London, they deserve and need it more.
Screw em!

If they don't want free money for transportation then they should damn well have to pay for it themselves. I really hope Wynne sticks to her guns and says it either the whole original route or you don't get a dime.

Give the money to London, they deserve and need it more.
Ya the problem with these guys is they don't seem to want to contribute any of their own money. They want somebody else to foot the bill while they propose longer more expensive alternatives.
I wrote up my thoughts here:

Asking the federal Liberals (who are real chummy with the provincial Liberals right now) for money for your transit fantasies after rejecting the province's transit money? After ignoring city staff and outside consultants' advice? Without any concrete, shovel-ready plans of your own? Good luck with that!

I hope they fail. Whatever inferior gerrymandered route they come up with that avoids downtown will cost more and be inconvenient for riders. It does not deserve a single penny of Liberal funding, but if they really want it they can pay for it themselves using Susan Fennell's swindled money that she was asked to repay the city. There's enough frills at city hall to buy a tunnel if they wish. Then they can give themselves another pay hike for being stupid.
For those who want to punish Brampton for the actions of its councillors ... dream on! It won't happen.

Sure, Brampton will lose its position at the head of the queue, and some other city will get its project funded instead.

But once Brampton comes up with a plan, whether it is Main LRT or something else, they will be treated just as all other cities. They won't be stuck at the end of the queue just because X years ago their councillors had rejected a transit plan.

Elected politicians depend on voters much more than the voters depend on any particular transit line. Those politicians will never want to be seen as "punishing" people on whose votes they depend.
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For those who want to punish Brampton for the actions of its councillors ... dream on! It won't happen.

Sure, Brampton will lose its position at the head of the queue, and some other city will get its project funded instead.

But once Brampton comes up with a plan, whether it is Main LRT or something else, they will be treated just as all other cities. They won't be stuck at the end of the queue just because X years ago their councillors had rejected a transit plan.

Elected politicians depend on voters much more than the voters depend on any particular transit line. Those politicians will never want to be seen as "punishing" people on whose votes they depend.

I disagree. I think LRT in Brampton is dead until a council that will approve the Main Street or Main/George loop route is elected. If that takes twenty years then that will take twenty years . . . and by that time Brampton will probably be the only urban municipality in the GTA without a LRT or subway.

The province only pays for transit that plays an important regional role. Routes that only serve the local municipality aren't on Metrolinx's agenda.
I still say screw em!

If they don't want free money then they don't deserve any at all.

London has far higher ridership and more than twice the per-capita so give it to them. Make it clear that if they don't want the money Queen's Park isn't going to wait around for them and give it to someone who wants and will use it.

London should have been offered this free money before Brampton anyway due to the city's high transit ridership levels and the fact that Brampton is a breeze to get around compared to London. London's traffic woes beat out Brampton's by a country mile so if Queen's Park had it's priorities straight London should have been offered the money first anyway.
@ssiguy2 , Has London officially come out in support for the LRT plan?

Nobody bumps the London Transit thread on here, so maybe I missed out on the big news.
For those who want to punish Brampton for the actions of its councillors ... dream on! It won't happen.

Sure, Brampton will lose its position at the head of the queue, and some other city will get its project funded instead.

But once Brampton comes up with a plan, whether it is Main LRT or something else, they will be treated just as all other cities. They won't be stuck at the end of the queue just because X years ago their councillors had rejected a transit plan.

Elected politicians depend on voters much more than the voters depend on any particular transit line. Those politicians will never want to be seen as "punishing" people on whose votes they depend.

Unfortunately they voted to permanently not investigate or plan for anything on Main St. far as I can tell city staff can only investigate alternative routes, and can't work with MLX on the Main route anymore...that would need to be overturned I would assume before a Main/Queen route could be looked basically not going to happen in the next 3 years. Even if they overturn it after the next election there is 5 years to get back to where we are 8 years before we get to this point...and that's assuming there is provincial or federal governments that will want to re-open this at that point.
