Just to continue the McLaughlin route clarification discussion a little further, now I'm confused on what staff are going to do. On one hand, they say that they'll look at "sub-options". On the next page, "Attachment A", they write under "Notes" this:

1. There are eight families of alternative alignments with Options 2 and 3 having subalternatives for a total of eleven alternative alignments.
2. As per Council’s decision on March 9, 2016, Options 3, 4 and 5 are only to be considered."

So they seem to be saying on this page that 5 is being considered and only 2 [Main] and 3 [Creek] have "subalternatives". I assume this means "sub-options".

.....i will say this, that once Main itself was killed, most of the long list of "alternative routes" put forward had my eyes rolling and the only two that made me think "I wonder how they would look/do" are the two that are left.....but, again, I was never a "route guy" on this whole line so we will see.
Report dated June 15, 2016 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works re: Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project Update: Authorization to Enter into Agreements and Request for Delegated Authority.

1. That the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the City with Metrolinx and The Corporation of the City of Brampton for the delivery of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project (“MOU”), substantially in the form as attached to the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works dated June 15, 2016.

2. That Metrolinx and/or its agent(s) be granted exemptions from the applicable Fees & Charges By-law(s) for entering into consents to enter or other licenses or agreements with the City for the purposes of entering upon City lands temporarily for construction of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project as per the MOU between Metrolinx, the City and the City of Brampton.

3. That the Acquisition and Disposal of Real Estate Policy 05-04-01, as amended, shall not apply to certain land transactions between the City and Metrolinx for the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project such that certain lands may be transferred to Metrolinx at less than fair market value in accordance with the MOU.

4. That the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, appropriate definitive agreements and/or protocols with Metrolinx and other entities as applicable, for the delivery of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project, unless the agreement or protocol will result in additional budgetary requirements from the City that have not been otherwise approved by Council, in which case Council approval will be sought prior to execution.

5. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
Motion passed.

Report dated June 15, 2016 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works re: Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project Update: Authorization to Enter into Agreements and Request for Delegated Authority.

1. That the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk be authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the City with Metrolinx and The Corporation of the City of Brampton for the delivery of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project (“MOU”), substantially in the form as attached to the Corporate Report from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works dated June 15, 2016.

2. That Metrolinx and/or its agent(s) be granted exemptions from the applicable Fees & Charges By-law(s) for entering into consents to enter or other licenses or agreements with the City for the purposes of entering upon City lands temporarily for construction of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project as per the MOU between Metrolinx, the City and the City of Brampton.

3. That the Acquisition and Disposal of Real Estate Policy 05-04-01, as amended, shall not apply to certain land transactions between the City and Metrolinx for the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project such that certain lands may be transferred to Metrolinx at less than fair market value in accordance with the MOU.

4. That the City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, appropriate definitive agreements and/or protocols with Metrolinx and other entities as applicable, for the delivery of the Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project, unless the agreement or protocol will result in additional budgetary requirements from the City that have not been otherwise approved by Council, in which case Council approval will be sought prior to execution.

5. That all necessary by-laws be enacted.
Report dated June 15, 2016 from the Commissioner of Transportation and Works re: Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project Update: Authorization to Enter into Agreements and Request for Delegated Authority.
I'm not quite sure why you insist on copying these things without posting the source of the information, as if you yourself are privy to these matters. This has happened before and another member called this behavior out, yet on other occasions you have posted the source of similar matters. Why not foster a sense of community here and make it easy for those who may have a hard time finding this stuff, yet would be interested in reading these reports?

For those interested these matters were considered by Mississauga City Council on July 6th, the report and MOU can be found in the council agenda as linked here: https://www7.mississauga.ca/documents/committees/council/2016/07_06_2016_Council_Agenda.pdf (available online since June 30th 2016) The relevant corporate report begins on page 25 and the appendix which contains the Memorandum of Understanding begins on page 33. Happy reading fellow UTers!
I'm not quite sure why you insist on copying these things without posting the source of the information, as if you yourself are privy to these matters. This has happened before and another member called this behavior out, yet on other occasions you have posted the source of similar matters. Why not foster a sense of community here and make it easy for those who may have a hard time finding this stuff, yet would be interested in reading these reports?

For those interested these matters were considered by Mississauga City Council on July 6th, the report and MOU can be found in the council agenda as linked here: https://www7.mississauga.ca/documents/committees/council/2016/07_06_2016_Council_Agenda.pdf (available online since June 30th 2016) The relevant corporate report begins on page 25 and the appendix which contains the Memorandum of Understanding begins on page 33. Happy reading fellow UTers!

Thanks for the link, its appreciated :)
To help out, here's the link to the Brampton staff report. It's inside a massive PDF with the rest of the agenda. The HLRT MOU starts on page 136 (Item 8.5-1) . It's almost identical to the City of Mississauga information posted.

I'm not quite sure why you [drum118] insist on copying these things without posting the source of the information, as if you yourself are privy to these matters. This has happened before and another member called this behavior out, yet on other occasions you have posted the source of similar matters. Why not foster a sense of community here and make it easy for those who may have a hard time finding this stuff, yet would be interested in reading these reports?

For those interested these matters were considered by Mississauga City Council on July 6th, the report and MOU can be found in the council agenda as linked here: https://www7.mississauga.ca/documents/committees/council/2016/07_06_2016_Council_Agenda.pdf (available online since June 30th 2016) The relevant corporate report begins on page 25 and the appendix which contains the Memorandum of Understanding begins on page 33. Happy reading fellow UTers!
I'm not quite sure why you insist on copying these things without posting the source of the information, as if you yourself are privy to these matters. This has happened before and another member called this behavior out, yet on other occasions you have posted the source of similar matters. Why not foster a sense of community here and make it easy for those who may have a hard time finding this stuff, yet would be interested in reading these reports?

You're not supposed to ask these questions here on UT.
of course, from now until the end of time, the lrt will be given credit for spurring every high-rise built in mississauga, regardless of when the developer bought the land and hatched their plans and ignoring the fact that area was planned for density before the let was conceived and, yes, that there were high-rises built pre-lrt........and anywhere there isn't high-rises, it will be because they don't have an lrt. ;)
of course, from now until the end of time, the lrt will be given credit for spurring every high-rise built in mississauga, regardless of when the developer bought the land and hatched their plans and ignoring the fact that area was planned for density before the let was conceived and, yes, that there were high-rises built pre-lrt........and anywhere there isn't high-rises, it will be because they don't have an lrt. ;)

Hey on the other hand, Brampton can always claim that the lack of LRT kept Main Street in the Victorian age!

I know this article isn't about the LRT, but its really great to see media referring to LRT when also discussing Hurontario.

Mississauga council approves three more high-rise condos along Hurontario’s LRT corridor
Mississauga News - July 7th, 2016 - http://www.mississauga.com/news-sto...-rise-condos-along-hurontario-s-lrt-corridor/

UT project page for the project is here: http://urbantoronto.ca/database/projects/edge-towers
And another one!

Construction of new LRT line helps secure new office project at Mississauga and Brampton border

The title is a bit misleading as the site is located south of Courtney Park, not quite what I would call being in the area of the border.

I would imagine this will be the year Bentall-Kennedy starts seriously considering redeveloping the Sheridan Centre site, where RSA is currently located; a major blow to that dead mall.
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Hey on the other hand, Brampton can always claim that the lack of LRT kept Main Street in the Victorian age!

Kinda my point........just as the condos we we're discussing were going to happen with or without the LRT.......i think DT Brampton's future "look" is unaffected by the decision (either way).
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Photo taken in Brampton back from the future.

