With all the delays TTC and Ion have faced, I'm concerned that procuring Bombarder LRTs is going to delay the service date for this line once things get going.
With all the delays TTC and Ion have faced, I'm concerned that procuring Bombarder LRTs is going to delay the service date for this line once things get going.

The Bombardier delays will have no impact the HuLRT. The vehicle contract hasn't been procured for the HuLRT or the Hamilton LRT (HLRT). I would have to look up the timing of when the contract would go out to tender. I think either late 2017 or early 2018.
The Bombardier delays will have no impact the HuLRT. The vehicle contract hasn't been procured for the HuLRT or the Hamilton LRT (HLRT). I would have to look up the timing of when the contract would go out to tender. I think either late 2017 or early 2018.

Well they are likely just going to use the LRV's from the existing contract that were ordered for the cancelled Scarborough and Sheppard lines.
BBD has an impact on Hurontario come 2022 when 34 cars are to be in service. They need to be in the yard 2021.

As for platform length on day one, there are many unknown issues and until they are settle, we will know what they will be,

Based on what I know for Metrolinx and Mississauga, these question need to be answer first.

1) Who is to operate the line and this will determine quality of service??
2) Will this line be split in 2 as plan from day one or be a single line?? Again quality of service.
3) Who is paying the operation cost??
4) Will the platforms be built for 2 cars from day one with provision to add a 3rd car at some future date or 3 car on day One??

Based on what I know on ridership, the line will be split with different headways using 2 cars only for the next decade or 2 once built. At times, you can get away with one car.

I expect to see headway between 5-10 minutes most of the day with 12-15 at night and this can cause problems. Only time to run 3 car trains is for special events and that about 4.

As it stands, only one person has the experience running the system for Mississauga and that the current director of Transit who is an ex TTC Subway operation officer. Don't expect to see him on staff in the next few years, since he will be a over his 10 years with the city who like changing personal every 10 years as top dogs.

Wouldn't be surprise to see BBD run the system

That loop is going to defeat getting people out of their car to use the Milton Line that will force riders to transfer twice as well adding longer time compare using 103. Those who currently use 103, will go back to the car come 2022.
Mississauga will pay a portion of operating costs, determined through MOU/Master Agreement (page 37)

Likely to go for Design Build Finance Operate Maintain (DBFOM) process. (page 38 from above linked report)

From the EPR LRT Streetscape and Design Strategy (page 19), platforms are supposed to be 90 metres + minimum of 6 metres for the ramp. So three-car train design.
BBD has an impact on Hurontario come 2022 when 34 cars are to be in service. They need to be in the yard 2021.

The information I have directly from the HuLRT project team is that the LRVs will be part of a separate order and the procurement process has not started. Here is the question and reply directly from Metrolinx:

Could you help to clarify if the procurement for the HLRT Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) was part of the 182 order or if there will be a new, separate RFP for vehicles?

No decision has been made yet about the vehicles for the Hurontario LRT project.
That is hilarious. You just proved drum doesn't know what he is talking about.

Well, in fairness to Drum the media reports and Metrolinx reports on this topic may not have been as clear as they could have been.

That being said, everyone makes mistakes and I'm always the first to admit when I'm wrong or qualify statements I make.

If anyone wants to fact check me on this, please don't hesitate to email the HuLRT project team to verify. I'd for some reason they have a different answer (doubtful but you never know) please post here.
when did the "u" get inserted into the name? I thought when it got revised to stop at Steeles and the "M" was dropped from HMLRT it just became HLRT
That is hilarious. You just proved drum doesn't know what he is talking about.
You continue to provide no info or help to this group, as well gun for me that I have no issues with. Please continue your attack, as it only show what a 12 year old you are..

With all the BS surrounding BBD these days, one would be smart to seek other bidders for the new cars.

I deal with the people in the know in various City Departments from day one that started at least 7 years ago and it has been a given that the cars for This project, as well Hamilton would be part of Metrolinx main order from day one.

I have stated over that time frame that the car should be put out to tender as they would be only looking for trouble by not doing so. I said that to TTC in 2005 and look at the mess they are in now.

Until a contract or MOU is sign by all parties, things will change from what was to happen to what will happen to the point of something totally different than plan and stated will take place. I have yet to read anything sign and not surprised to see a fair number of changes, as well the vision for the line.

Since I sit on the sidelines these days, not following many things nor asking various questions of the people in the know about various things. I have only attended 1 TTC meeting in the last year and miss a few Metrolinx meeting as they are a waste these days.

I guess you are "MR PERFECT" Like someone else on this board. I on the other hand have made mistakes due wrong info pass onto me, not being up to date on things or completely forgot about things. I don't have all the answers and never will related to transit and have stated that a number of times.

If I want info for this line, I don't email the HuLRT team, but the person in the know. I will be seeing them personally in Oct or sooner.

Have a great day
when did the "u" get inserted into the name? I thought when it got revised to stop at Steeles and the "M" was dropped from HMLRT it just became HLRT

I like to post the "u" in HLRT so that it doesn't get confused with the Hamilton LRT. They did snag the acronym first after all :). Also, that's the acronym used by the official twitter account for the project, as they did here in a tweet.
If I want info for this line, I don't email the HuLRT team, but the person in the know. I will be seeing them personally in Oct or sooner.

In terms of the person "in the know" my comment on that is that I think various Urban Toronto members including myself have access to various people in the industry and Metrolinx. What's posted today about a project could change tomorrow, or not be as current depending on the seniority/department/position of someone else's source. The information I posted is current as of a few weeks ago but that doesn't mean it will change. I'm pretty confident it won't because we haven't heard any public details or media reports that the Hamilton and Hurontario lines are caught up in the the other Metrolinx LRV order. If I have information from a reliable source which contradicts other information posted here, I'll continue to publish it so that readers have as much information as possible and can make their own decisions.

Posting information contrary to what someone else posted it's not an attempt to embarrass anyone. After all, this isn't a newspaper where reporters have to get their facts right all of the time. It's just to provide information from different sources than others may have access to. It's not a competition to see who knows the most. I treat Urban Toronto just as a fun place to discussion issues and get news from fellow transit enthusiasts.

Also, there's nothing wrong with using email to obtain information as opposed to only in person meetings or conversations.

I assume that the person who confirmed the information I provided had to check with their colleagues before providing the answer. I suppose it's possible that another group of people on the project or within Metrolinx (and who are more senior) could ultimately change their minds and link the LRV order for this line to the other order. Guess time will tell. As I've said repeatedly, I won't get upset if someone posts information that's more current than what I have. I'll certainly do what I can to limit baseless speculation on my part because that doesn't help anyone.

Speaking with the person I did about the LRV order for this project isn't the only source. As noted in a July 2016 City of Mississauga report on the Memorandum of Understanding between Metrolinx and the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, there is a general reference to procurement (page 25 of the PDF):

Metrolinx has retained CH2M as their Owner’s Engineering Team to guide the overall implementation process and AECOM as the Technical Advisory Team to address detailed issues up to and through to the Project implementation. Numerous working groups have been established with an introductory kick-off event held by Metrolinx on May 4, 2016. Onsite investigation works for geotechnical and subsurface utilities have already been initiated. At this time, the Metrolinx Project schedule indicates a desire to get formal Treasury Board approval to proceed in the summer; undertake the Request for Proposal process commencing later in 2016 with the final contract award and construction to commence in 2018.

I'm not sure if CH2M or AECOM would be assisting or leading the procurement process for the LRVs.
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The Bombardier delays will have no impact the HuLRT. The vehicle contract hasn't been procured for the HuLRT or the Hamilton LRT (HLRT). I would have to look up the timing of when the contract would go out to tender. I think either late 2017 or early 2018.

My concern had more to do with Bombardier screwing up this order too if we were to procure the cars from them.
First public open house for the project. Details here. October 18, 2016 at 6PM in Mississauga. I'd assume there would be a Brampton version at some point. Probably closer to the Gateway Terminal rather than in the downtown.
I guess we know, now, what those buildings are in the renderings of Cooksville shown during the approval process ....a 6 car parking garage!
