One of the pages in the BCA literally said the mode share for transit along Hurontario/Main in Brampton would go from 10% to 70% by 2031? Any chance you recall where it said that? Appreciate the perspective.
I haven't (on purpose) talked about these numbers in a while so my memory seems to have failed me a bit in two ways.
- It was not the BCA I remember seeing those numbers (must have been in the master plan....and I assumed they were carryovers from the BCA)
- Seems 70% was an unintentional "rounding" in my mind:
But, as you can see, they are showing southbound from Brampton GO going from 8.4% to 71.1.%......Steeles to 407 going from 4.6% to 61.9%.....and those assumptions form part of what feeds into the total ridership assumption projected to 2031.
The actual BCA is a little more modest on its modal share projections.
They see a, roughly, doubling of modal share in the overall corridor (not broken down by segements)....but do point out that the $1.6B expenditure was going to result in a overall (throughout all of Mississauga and Brampton) modal shift of only .4%....which goes to my earlier point about how few people in the region this LRT is going to touch.