One "small" problem. That leaves Hurontario with w-i-d-e lanes that may cause problems with school bus stops. Would the use of traffic pylons be considered a "barrier"?


From link.
I don’t remember seeing school buses making stops on Hurontario although I admit I don’t travel its entire length during school bus times.
There are no school bus stops on Hurontario that I know of and if any do exist, they will be relocated off Hurontario like no parking. Hurontario is to be free flow traffic in 2 lanes each direction and away around stop transit buses that will still service Hurontario current stops after the LRT is in operation.
How about a webcam along Hurontario, accessible by everyone, to show the progress of the the construction of the LRT along Hurontario?

See link.


Wrong direction. Show 403 and very little of Hurontario.


This has to be one of the most uninspired and ill-planned intermodal station stop I have ever seen.

Like, this is the premiere destination on the LRT, and its an open shelter with a walkway to the adjacent bus stop.

Could they not have at the very least put the LRT station right next to the bus stop and shifted the road to the other side?

But really this deserves a much better treatment. Like a proper enclosed station for buses and LRT with an elevated LRT coming into it.

How we went from an underground bus station for the Transitway to this is embarrassing
View attachment 251599

This has to be one of the most uninspired and ill-planned intermodal station stop I have ever seen.

Like, this is the premiere destination on the LRT, and its an open shelter with a walkway to the adjacent bus stop.

Could they not have at the very least put the LRT station right next to the bus stop and shifted the road to the other side?

But really this deserves a much better treatment. Like a proper enclosed station for buses and LRT with an elevated LRT coming into it.

How we went from an underground bus station for the Transitway to this is embarrassing
Where do you put 100,107, 109 and 110 that currently stop on Rathburn at this location going eastbound if you move the LRT to the south side as well deal with buses entering the CCTT, having to cross the road for Sq One and be elevated to go over City Centre Dr in a short distance???

Oxford calls the shots for everything in this area as its their land. They refused to have that road close from Sq One Mall to Rathurn when the City wanted to deal with transit on Rathburn years ago for an ROW down the centre of Rathburn. The city has looked at moving CCTT to the north side to one of the corners that includes GO and more could happen when the consulting firm is hire later this year to look at this mess.

Both the LRT station and the bus terminal should be on City Centre Dr, but you got this as the City wanted the Loop that will have extra travel time for transit riders who have no need to go to Sq One, as well to/from the Cooksville GO Station once CP allows RER on their line. Once the LRT opens, people north of the 403 will drive to/from Cooksville GO Station faster than using the LRT based on the current plan(s).

CCTT was built to handle 25,000 daily for a city of 250,000, yet the city was over 400,000 when it was built and seeing more than 25,000 daily riders. 2005 saw the extension built to handle 50,000, but where do you put 125,000 daily riders by 2040??
Further, does anyone have access to what the station here would have looked like if they had kept the loop?
I'll be short and frank here; the entire Square One City Centre Terminal needs to be rethought as a whole. Between GO Transit's "terminal" (ie: glorified bus lay-bys), the Mississauga bus terminal, and now this LRT terminal, none of them knit well together at all.
It was always going to be on that side of Rathburn from the start with a relatively minor-looking stop. I pulled some drawings off of a June 2018 archive of Metrolinx's HuLRT webpage using the Wayback Machine. The only differences with the new spur are that the stop was moved closer to the intersection of Rathburn and Station Gate, and that the elevated flyover section was previously at grade and cut across a ton of traffic at street level, which would have been a huge mess.

The city's Downtown Mississauga Transit Terminal and Transitway Connection TPAP is currently in progress, so there's definitely work going on in regards to an intermodal hub. I would consider everything you see in the rendering to be temporary and not the long term goal for the area. I would be incredibly surprised if there wasn't a proper intermodal station encompassing the Transitway, the HuLRT, and a universal bus terminal plan in the works. I know the SQ1 terminal is receiving some upgrade money, but I am doubtful that it is part of the city's future plans for an intermodal hub.



