This got pass onto me by a property owner on Hurontario I know and wasn't aware of this. Not saying much for Ford.

"Furthermore, a bill was quietly passed saying its illegal for anyone working for a property owner (Me) to interfere (aka advocate) against a government project (the LRT project). "
What bill? I call bologna.
Where does one ask/see the questions? I've looked everywhere and I can't find a link or place where they are.

I'm watching the meeting right now and they keep talking about asking questions "in the s[omething] application" but I have no idea what that is. I can't see or upvote questions.
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Where does one ask/see the questions? I've looked everywhere and I can't find a link or place where they are.

I'm watching the meeting right now and they keep talking about asking questions "in the s[omething] application" but I have no idea what that is. I can't see or upvote questions.

It's on the bottom half of this page:

Seems like an unnecessarily complex way to moderate the questions.
A few quick notes from answers to the questions.

On prospective loop routing and service level - not in scope of project, in so many words

On northward extension -
not in scope of project

On detailed site renders - go to our office or our pop-ups for renders; "we'll take that back" regarding making detailed information publicly available

On cycling infrastructure - definitive yes on painted lanes the whole way through; "we'll take that back" regarding taking bicycles on the trains; for most of the road there will be curbed protection for the bike lanes; under bridges the cycle lane merges onto the pedestrian section of the tunnels

On using Hurontario instead of "Hazel McCallion" - "we'll take that back"

On a stop at Kingsbridge - there is no lower-level transit to connect to at this stop; buildings here are within 500m/800m of Eglinton stop anyway

On standards for temporary pedestrian facilities - we have site inspectors to ensure that standards are kept

On transit signal priority - a decision will be based on feasibility study from burn-in and is under discussion; the line is designed for TSP but it is a political decision from Brampton and Mississauga (in so many words)

- - -

My overall impression is one of excessive yet poor stage-management.

Routing the questions through the Slido app, which does fail to load, and then premoderating them before they can be voted on. No way to ask questions in real time. Having a second moderator on hand could do the screening work and could have lent some dynamism to the discussion.

Not sure as well how they plan on "responding within 14 business days" to all questions seeing that participants are not required nor prompted to give a return address.

Only detailed, meaty answers have had to do with cycling infrastructure. Appreciated, but it's a pity that some questions that could be answered with actual information, or a clear "this isn't our mandate, these are the offices you should speak to", are deflected with PR speak.
What a waste of people time and clueless on answers. Hell!! I should had been on the panel as I had a lot of the answers compared to "we will have to take it back" and I don't work for no one involved with this project.

They knew what some of the question were going to be before deciding on the weak town hall thing and should had the approval to respond to them in the first place for this thing..

It was a real poor presentation as it skip a number of things that should been front and centre or should be hidden from view.. Then there were things we can't talk about as it will upset you and others or not willing to show our hand surrounding them.

The loop went in one ear and out the other surrounding the questions on it.

Route 2, 17 and 103 will either become one route staying 100% on Hurontario or be something along the line of 2/17 today, but 103 is gone for sure.

Once construction is done for PC station, most of the surface parking lot will return to GO parking until the developer decides to close it down and start construction at least 5 years out at this time.

Oh!!,,,, we got to pay a different fare to ride the LRT in place of a bus is a joke.

Love the answer why no Kingsbridge station. A station only exist because it sees an east-west bus routes is pure poor planning when some areas will see more walk-in than one with bus service. Gee!! 2008 EA report said something then that is totally different today for density and the changing landscape that support infill stations.

Bottom line, this line will not see service until sometime in 2025, not by the end of 2024 as plan with ML saying no date as they don't want to be caught with their pants down like Line 5. Then line 6 will be late opening up as well.

The Finch last 2 CLC presentation puts Hurontario one to shame.
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How would you class a street like Mississauga Rd from Burnhamthorpe to Lakeshore where transit has been protested against having it on that street??

Not to mention, its a low-capacity two-lane road, with ditches in spots. Hardly LRT territory.
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It’s as bad as previous virtual town halls. Metrolinx can’t say anything of any substance without having Mulroney’s staff sign off first.

If I wanted to understand Metrolinx, how it works and how it doesn't, where would be a good place to start? Illustrative examples or deep dives especially appreciated.
If I wanted to understand Metrolinx, how it works and how it doesn't, where would be a good place to start? Illustrative examples or deep dives especially appreciated.

Suggest you begin with its Board meetings. You can find them here. What you will find if you scan them from the mid-teens forward to 2023 is that they have evolved, with less and less discussed in public and the presentations degrading from a previous standard of moderate factual detail to glossy, but data-absent, celebrations of things that are promised with fanfare but don't always get finished. Make note of things that got started or announced as new business a decade or less ago.... and that have disappeared altogether ever since. And try to find some presentation of actual managerial data about performance, timelines established or met, financial performance against plan. If you can find any, you qualify for the Livingstone and Stanley Trophy for discoveries in a deep jungle.

You might also look for past ML Annual Reports and their 5-year business plans (again, looking at what their plans were ten years ago, and what got done and what didn't - and how much high level ivory tower planning was conducted versus nuts-and-bolts on-the-ground effort). The RER/GO Expansion Business Case document is a key reference document that remains viable.

Then I would find a good news clipping service and look for ML and Ministerial press releases over the years. Decide for yourself how much is promise and how much is actual delivery.

Past ML Town Halls are still available on Youtube. Measure Phil Verster's grand pronouncements from past years against results actually observable today.

Ironically, their Twitter feed does sometimes answer questions of late.

A few months back I wrote a long post in the Ontario Line thread about ML's unfinished deliveries. I won't go looking for it, but it's there.

- Paul
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Can you explain this.
This was raised during the Q&A which I though was dumb and not the first time it been raised.

It was around fare integrations where the person fail to understand that there is fare integrations already between all the systems in the GTA other than TTC.

Brampton and Mississauga has had fare integration close to 2 decades.

Since this a ML project, it falls under GO fare Structure with this line may have a different fare than the current bus fare. At the same time if you are using GO Service and then transit, the transit fare is cover under the GO fare.

Council has asked since day one, how much money they have to pay to subsidized the operation cost and never been given a public cost so far that I am aware of. This was to allow council to set a budget in the coming year for transit and put money aside to do so.

From my point of view, its was away to say Mississauga will be paying a lot more to run the LRT than buses so the operator can make a nice profit at the end of the day or the province kicking in more. Riders will see no change.
Since this a ML project, it falls under GO fare Structure with this line may have a different fare than the current bus fare. At the same time if you are using GO Service and then transit, the transit fare is cover under the GO fare.

That's not happening with Lines 5 and 6 so why here?
That's not happening with Lines 5 and 6 so why here?
That my take on the answer and what I know. Since TTC is way bigger than Mississauga and carry more weight, easier to put it to the small system
