You subway subway subway crowd always find enough excuses to justify your large spending habits. I’m sure there’s space. I’ve been on elevated rail all over the world. Make it happen.
The same space needed for the elevated piers is the same space needed for the 2 tracks to street run,.
The same space needed for the elevated piers is the same space needed for the 2 tracks to street run,.
Double check Skytrain in Vancouver.



Aesthetically, the best solution is to street-run in a transit mall with one way vehicular access for the couple blocks around Main and Queen. Money could be spent on a 'ring road' around downtown Brampton for through movement of vehicles. Maybe a new grade-separation under the rail line would be needed, and some expropriation of some properties.

It would all cost way less than a billion, never mind the ongoing maintenance of a tunnel.
I know they have. And so has China. However,I am not anti anywhere else. I just know that their politics is different than ours,and that makes the difference. Maybe if we swing a lot more to the left those things could happen. Or, we swing to the point of one party and only one party in charge, it could happen.
It requires a swing to the left or massive social change to make a few hundred meters of downtown roadway into a transit mall?
It requires a swing to the left or massive social change to make a few hundred meters of downtown roadway into a transit mall?
It is more complicated than that, but yes. In China,what the people want is ignored and the government does whatever it wants without public consultation.
It is more complicated than that, but yes. In China,what the people want is ignored and the government does whatever it wants without public consultation.
Did anyone ask the people of Brampton if they wanted over a billion dollars wasted on the tunnel instead of, oh, a new hospital or bus garage to enable more transit service?

I demand a subway from downtown to my front door, anything less is the sort of tyranny you might see in communist China!
Did anyone ask the people of Brampton if they wanted over a billion dollars wasted on the tunnel instead of, oh, a new hospital or bus garage to enable more transit service?

I demand a subway from downtown to my front door, anything less is the sort of tyranny you might see in communist China!
Well, when this LRT was announced, the citizens had voted for councilors and a mayor who voted against it being extended into Brampton at street level. So, yes,yes they did.
Well, when this LRT was announced, the citizens had voted for councilors and a mayor who voted against it being extended into Brampton at street level. So, yes,yes they did.

Nope, once again you're incorrect. Voters tossed several of the anti-LRT councillors in 2018. They didn't vote for councillors in 2014 based on how they'd vote on the LRT a year later.
Nope, once again you're incorrect. Voters tossed several of the anti-LRT councillors in 2018. They didn't vote for councillors in 2014 based on how they'd vote on the LRT a year later.
And now the LRT is back on.... Still following what the voters want.
Do you know that? Can that be proved?
The first plan was not tunnelled, and when councillors voted against it, they were voted out. The tunnelled LRT only came up as an option well, well after.

Additionally, I would bet you that outside of people following Council the vast majority of people don’t know anything about the different alignments - simply that turning down money to build an LRT was stupid.
The first plan was not tunnelled, and when councillors voted against it, they were voted out. The tunnelled LRT only came up as an option well, well after.

Additionally, I would bet you that outside of people following Council the vast majority of people don’t know anything about the different alignments - simply that turning down money to build an LRT was stupid.
So, how would you feel would best gauge which method of construction would have the most local support?
I thought the tunneled option was the only option that locals wanted and when the province said no, they said no LRT.
So, how would you feel would best gauge which method of construction would have the most local support?
I thought the tunneled option was the only option that locals wanted and when the province said no, they said no LRT.
I mean, clearly not. The Councillors who voted along those lines all lost their jobs on the say so of those locals, so…
