LRVs on the Hurontario-Main Line will need battery packs or alternative power systems if plans to pacify NIMBYs (who sadly include Bill Davis) go ahead with Main Street running near Downtown Brampton.
There's such a beast as anti-electricity NIMBYs? I haven't heard about this.

So smelly diesels are better? :)
There's such a beast as anti-electricity NIMBYs? I haven't heard about this.

So smelly diesels are better? :)

They're representative of the classic definition of NIMBY. They are all for it and the improvement that it brings, but only if they are in someone else's neighbourhood.
They are not, I don't think, anti-electricity....they are anti-wires/cables
Now that's just weird.

That's just looking for an excuse to block transit. The catenary design for this kind of line is very low key compared to what you find on most major streets without streetcar lines. Hopefully no one takes these nutjobs seriously.
Transport Canada has to change the FRA requirement from 2+ years to 41-52 weeks along the line of the EU who use 26-41 weeks for training engineers. How about pushing that?

The tracks from Union to Bramalea will be done early 2015. Upgrading the current 3 tracks to 4 outside of the pinch point will take time and requires to modify existing stations on the Halton Line. There is no timetable or funds at this time to do this.

You may get a peak train for the West Lakeshore first before the east section as there are more riders to support it with crews doing overtime.

Crews are Metrolinx/GO transit weak link at this time.

The last I heard, GO spare board is still 50% unfilled and doesn't help for putting service on line today, let alone any new service.

Of courses it is something since money doesn't grown on trees and doing work doesn't happen overnight. Poor planing or vision on GO part, let alone Metrolinx like the past.

Fair enough. I see the issue. For me, it does not matter because like you I used the Lakeshore West. It's just that it seems like a new issue pops up every year, and like you said it is poor planning.
So, after spending the early part of my morning listening to Mr. Murray over breakfast at the international centre, I hopped in my car to head downtown. On with Jerry Agar on newstalk 1010 were three 905 of which was Hazel McCallion of Mississauga. One of the topics discussed was this line.

A couple of tidbits, Agar very bluntly asked the Mayor why the plan to take it "deeper into Port Credit" than just the GO station....Mayor McCallion skirted (well, flat out avoided) answering the question and instead answered with the merits of the project and noting that "it is not too far from the station to Lakeshore".

Agar then seemed very intent in pitting Mississauga against Brampton....the Mayor was having none of it. She stated very clearly that Mississauga and Brampton were working together on this line and that Brampton was supportive. She did say there are issues with how the LRT interacts with DT Brampton and that she was supporting Brampton in trying to work through these issues through.

She did note, however, that until those are dealt with her mandate to the project team is to get this project "shovel ready" for the segment between PC GO and Steeles Avenue. When the funding is freed up, she said, only those projects shovel ready will get their share of funding.

The discussion is here (starts around the 15 minute can skip thru if you don't want to listen to the first 14 minutes) agar podcast apr 17

Sorta backed up by the article in the Globe saying funds will be on a first come first served basis.
Something surface at Last night meeting in Port Credit on the LRT stopping at the GO station at this time.

There is a major transit and transportation study to get underway this year related to the Lakeshore and other areas. The plan calls for the long over due extension to the Queensway over the Port Credit River and taking it Hwy 403. That was a huge mistake stopping where it stops today.

The transit study on the Lakeshore will look at putting the LRT on it going west than Port St as well taking it east to Long Branch. Long Branch is a given and in the 25 year plan already. Can't see the line going west of PC/Imperial Lands for at least 50 years unless there is a total redevelopment of that road to Southdown Rd.

Going west along the Lakeshore has issues and saying traffic travel time even without the LRT is only going to increases by 2 minutes by 2025 and that some great stuff being smoke to say that when it more already.

One Port and Imperial Oil Lands are still unknown, but policies are being drafted for approval in June as how they should be develop.

Imperial Oil has stated in written submission that only mid-tall rise building will be built on these lands for 5,000 residents. The locals are calling for no more than 10's buildings on this site with a campus by X party.

One Port is to see 3-8's, but mostly 6's.

There is still talk that the LRT may follow the idea of the route on Port St and cross the mouth of the river to the Imperial Oil Lands.

$5m has been spent so far on getting the data about the Imperial Land and a full report due by year end as to what can be done to these lands down the road.

Until the transit study is done, where, how and when the LRT will go south of the GO station is up in the air.

I made a presentation to Council both Monday and Wed on walking distance using a quick measurement of all the current bus stops and new LRT stops south of 401 and average walking distance is close to 800+m's. Find if you can walk, but knowing the areas, there are great numbers of seniors and accessibility residents that cannot handle the walking distance.

I have recommended a number of the current bus stops be remove later this year to show what it will mean to various riders, but overall, a number of these stops shouldn't be there now. Some are only 200m from the next stops with less than 30 riders using them in the first place daily. One only went in last year after 19 started and only seen 1 person use that stop. I use 2 of the stops recommend for removable with one for doing my shopping and no big deal to walk the extra 200m to the the heavies used stop on the route over Sq One.

There maybe a motion going to council next week that the City buy the lands at Britannia Farm from the school board for high density development for the LRT as well sports fields.

The OMB just approved the build of a 2, a 2 story auto repair complex for the N-W corner of Derry Rd and Hurontario of all things. Hazel went wild over that ruling and it was before I spoke. I made the recommendation that the city buy all the land along Hurontario so they have full control in having high density on those lands than the 1-2 stories being proposed by a number of developer. I also stated some of these lands needs to be mix and to support residential as well.
Something surface at Last night meeting in Port Credit on the LRT stopping at the GO station at this time.

There is a major transit and transportation study to get underway this year related to the Lakeshore and other areas. The plan calls for the long over due extension to the Queensway over the Port Credit River and taking it Hwy 403. That was a huge mistake stopping where it stops today.

Would they use Blythe Rd as part of Queensway and rename it, or would they build Queensway right next to it (looking at satellite views there appears to be a large ROW there.

And would they rename Sheridan Park Dr to Queensway as well? I see it actually already gets pretty close to the 403, although there is a short part of Sheridan Park Dr not connected to the rest of it. And it changes to Plymouth Dr at Winston Churchill (i.e. when it hits Oakville).
Would they use Blythe Rd as part of Queensway and rename it, or would they build Queensway right next to it (looking at satellite views there appears to be a large ROW there.

And would they rename Sheridan Park Dr to Queensway as well? I see it actually already gets pretty close to the 403, although there is a short part of Sheridan Park Dr not connected to the rest of it. And it changes to Plymouth Dr at Winston Churchill (i.e. when it hits Oakville).

Can't answer your question as it not on my radar and only finding out about it last night. May know more down the road.

I always question why the road never went west and was told because of the golfers. If Bloor St can do the same things today without problems with the creek and the golfers, no reason it couldn't been done for Queenways in the 70's.

Street naming sucks big time regardless which city you are in.

There used to be transmission lines along the Queensways as well the ROW to the west until lines were put onto hydro poles along major road these days.

The city lacks east-west/north-south true road grids that both traffic and transit suffer badly from it.

Port Credit/Clarkson are a good example of this since the Lakeshore is the only east-west road crossing the Port Credit River south of the QEW. Mississauga Rd is the Only N-S road between Hurontario and Southdown Rd from the Lakeshore. You can't get transit on it at all other than the current block or 2.

Come the first weekend in May, MT #23 is on major detour on Sunday all day, along with traffic because of the race. Any special event in PC kills Lakeshore 100%.
I hope the LRT will get cut off north of Steeles, so that GO prioritizes Milton for all-day train service instead of Georgetown. The ridership at Cooksville, and in Mississauga in general, will be much higher than Brampton, so GO will find it more profitable/worthwhile to focus on adding train service to the Milton line instead. I'm tired of buses, I want trains dammit.
I hope the LRT will get cut off north of Steeles, so that GO prioritizes Milton for all-day train service instead of Georgetown. The ridership at Cooksville, and in Mississauga in general, will be much higher than Brampton, so GO will find it more profitable/worthwhile to focus on adding train service to the Milton line instead. I'm tired of buses, I want trains dammit.

Brampton will have all day service before the Milton Line, since the Milton line will not to be completed until 2023 for 4 tracks. The only way to have service before 2023 on the Milton Line, is to do a phasing and too many issues doing it.

For a line to be 3rd track by 2011, come and gone with nothing taking place for the 3rd track for years.

Everything hinges on CP for any type of all day service until 2023.
I hope the LRT will get cut off north of Steeles, so that GO prioritizes Milton for all-day train service instead of Georgetown. The ridership at Cooksville, and in Mississauga in general, will be much higher than Brampton, so GO will find it more profitable/worthwhile to focus on adding train service to the Milton line instead. I'm tired of buses, I want trains dammit.

Your irrational hate for Brampton is showing again, doady.

GO's rail expansion and the LRT are completely different projects and independent of each other.
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Metrolinx have a shot at buying the CN track west of Georgetown currently leased to GEXR when the lease expires later this decade - if that happens it guarantees priority for passenger over freight. Good luck seeing that on CP Milton.
Brampton will have all day service before the Milton Line, since the Milton line will not to be completed until 2023 for 4 tracks. The only way to have service before 2023 on the Milton Line, is to do a phasing and too many issues doing it.

For a line to be 3rd track by 2011, come and gone with nothing taking place for the 3rd track for years.

Everything hinges on CP for any type of all day service until 2023.

Hmmm... Besides, shouldn't both lines going to all day service not to mention the three others not named Lakeshore be of equal importance?
