Unfortunately, there are people who say having light rail vehicles will spoil the "historical" vista of Brampton's downtown. (Not really, in my opinion.) Some people think the LRT will ruin Brampton. Maybe they expect to see that barbarians from Mississauga will be invading them.


From link.
I don’t think even those raising the heritage issue actually believe it. It is a facade to the real desire not to have an LRT going through the neighborhood. Businesses’ concern about how reduced parking and car traffic may adversely affect them is a valid one but typically any opposition to mass transit is due to the fact that it entails bringing more people into/through the area. You can argue that this is a “good thing” but for people who want to maintain a certain character of their neighborhood (read exclusive) it is not a good thing.
$1.3billion to keep a few hundred parking spaces on street? Ridiculous. Build an underground garage or two if needs be.
"$1.3 billion to keep a few dozen parking spaces on street?..." There, that's more the case really.

I don't know if anyone has taken in that Main and Queen streets were just recently narrowed to single lane through traffic through the area of Four Corners anyway to accommodate on street bike lanes, centre left-turning lanes, etc.. So the area is not averse to single lane traffic flow. Dedicating two lanes to LRT would be simply a further extension of this realignment, imo. Further to this, a dedicated ROW north from Nanwood to Wellington along Main, with no left turns allowed through that entire stretch, would actually help to ease traffic flow through the area. There are ways of getting from one side of Main to the other by going around. Throw in one or two protected/signalized pedestrian crossings midway.
This can actually help traffic in the area by not allowing E-W routes through the area. Because there are no direct crossings of Main through this stretch, today we see people making right turns onto Main, immediately jumping to the left lane, then holding up a lane of through traffic waiting to make the "quick" left. So, eliminating that movement would actually help smooth out traffic flow.
Unfortunately, there are people who say having light rail vehicles will spoil the "historical" vista of Brampton's downtown. (Not really, in my opinion.) Some people think the LRT will ruin Brampton. Maybe they expect to see that barbarians from Mississauga will be invading them.


From link.

Where's that? No way it's more historic than Brampton.
Q. Is signal priority planned for the #HuLRT project?
A. Yes, transit signal priority is part of the HuLRT project. It will be materialized mostly in the form of green light advance or extensions.

Q. Has a provision been made so the bridge between Cooksville GO and the LRT stop can be constructed at a later date?
A. The pedestrian bridge at the Cooksville #HuLRT stop may be considered in the future as part of planning for transit-oriented communities.

Q. Will the bike lanes be separated from traffic?
A. Yes! There will be raised & separated bike lanes from Steeles Ave. to the Queensway, with a multi-use trail extending further south to Port Credit GO
QEW and Hurontario intersection will see a full Hurontario closure Thanksgiving 2021 or 2022 for 65-72 hours non stop work. There are a few major issues to deal with before hand that has surface with low water table and flooding being one of them. This could change to Labour Day or ?

Most intersection should/could be fully temporary traffic lights install and working to allow the removal of the remaining median. This also includes the Sq One Centre.

Construction will get underway early 2021 to replace and relocate sewages and water lines doing one side first than moving to the other side. Full rebuilting of roads and sidewalks will follow after the first phase is done.

Brampton is seeing gas line relocation south of Steeles.

The question was raise due to COVID-19, could work start sooner and speeded up, but the answer is until full 100% detail drawings are done you cannot speed things up.
CLC_Cooksville and Mississauga Centre_Sept 18 2020 final.pdf and 16 more pages - Personal - Mi...png
CLC_Cooksville and Mississauga Centre_Sept 18 2020 final.pdf and 16 more pages - Personal - Mi...png
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Q. Will the bike lanes be separated from traffic?
A. Yes! There will be raised & separated bike lanes from Steeles Ave. to the Queensway, with a multi-use trail extending further south to Port Credit GO

Thanks @drum118 , raised lanes are critical. Kitchener, Waterloo, and the Region of Waterloo each have different ideas about how to build bike lanes, and none of them have been raised. Even some of the latest and greatest in my area (Ottawa St, Manitou Dr) are built with roll curbs that provide no meaningful deterrent to drivers / protection for cyclists. :confused:
Raised bike lanes make sense only if you're not going up and down with every driveway and cross-street (smooth continuous path). It makes more sense to group sidewalk & cycle track together. This Ottawa design is going to result in windrows and debris sitting in the cycle lane.

This stuff has been figured out, I don't know why we need to try our own failed designs before adopting what works:

Raised bike lanes make sense only if you're not going up and down with every driveway and cross-street (smooth continuous path). It makes more sense to group sidewalk & cycle track together. This Ottawa design is going to result in windrows and debris sitting in the cycle lane.

This stuff has been figured out, I don't know why we need to try our own failed designs before adopting what works:

Raised crossings for pedestrians and cyclists is needed. Note the Yield (and shark's teeth) signs instead of Stop signs (since no one stops at stop signs here.)

Note the Yield (and shark's teeth) signs instead of Stop signs (since no one stops at stop signs here.)
Don't worry, we just need to hand out a couple more tickets to get people to actually stop at stop signs. Any day now.
Why is this even an excuse from people? Two wrongs don't make a right, in other words someone else's behaviors doesn't excuse your own. "He started it" should have ended in grade school.

Also, the law states that police officers don't need to follow parking rules and other specific traffic laws. If you don't like that I suggest you complain to your MP but its not like police officers are usually breaking the law, while in a patrol car they are specifically allowed to do many things regular civilians can't
Also, the law states that police officers don't need to follow parking rules and other specific traffic laws. If you don't like that I suggest you complain to your MP but its not like police officers are usually breaking the law, while in a patrol car they are specifically allowed to do many things regular civilians can't

I think you quoted the wrong person. I did not excuse either persons actions.
