Downstream effects of Ontario's affordability crisis, much easier to attract global aerospace talent to a place where you can buy a 5 bedroom house for $500,000 CAD. Cheaper industrial land, huge talent pool of industrial expertise, and decent aerospace talent in the area (Viking Aircraft).
I guess my next aircraft won't be a De Havilland. Seriously, isn't there any aerospace talent left in the GTA ? I would think that this class of employee could afford to live somewhere close to a new facility.
A modest update; but first a request of the MODS, this one needs a preliminary database entry/pin on the map.

Now the update.

On the TTC's very thin agenda for next week is a report about the need for a new lease for the ATC signal project group, currently based out of 40 Carl Hall Road on the Downsview lands.

Report here:

From said Report, the relevant bits:


So we now know that the proponents here are hoping to move forward with some form of construction in 2026
I was wondering if there going to build another military airport base etc to replace this one somewhere in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area to serve for military protection and natural disasters etc. For the 10 million citizens which will balloon to 15 million in the next 25 years. Hamilton airport being strategically centered in the Greater Golden Horseshoe would be the most feasible. Or maybe the future Pickering comercial airport could house military base together like the Niagara Falls New York airport Has for the Buffalo Niagara area in the States. The Toronto Golden Horseshoe area is Canada's main headquarter location for Canada. Which should be protected with a new improved military base somewhere in the vicinity just a thought lol!
I was wondering if there going to build another military airport base etc to replace this one somewhere in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area to serve for military protection and natural disasters etc. For the 10 million citizens which will balloon to 15 million in the next 25 years. Hamilton airport being strategically centered in the Greater Golden Horseshoe would be the most feasible. Or maybe the future Pickering comercial airport could house military base together like the Niagara Falls New York airport Has for the Buffalo Niagara area in the States. The Toronto Golden Horseshoe area is Canada's main headquarter location for Canada. Which should be protected with a new improved military base somewhere in the vicinity just a thought lol!
This was my exact thought when I saw this project; DND has been relinquishing its properties (and potential properties) in southern ontario in a fashion that seems to lack any real long term vision. The removal of a runway is not a small thing, even if this is an example of one that was not fully within the purview of the dept.
Would be cool if the TTC ran streetcars through the central runway axis. Dufferin is right there and laying more tracks would be easy. Such a good way to integrate transit into the neighborhood, and eventually the surrounding area
I love the idea, but the problem is that it would be a line orphaned from the rest of the system.
Yes, I'm expecting/dreading something that looks closer to Downtown Markham.

I'm curious, what specific element of DT Markham are you calling out ?
