March 27








Still hearing rumors about townhouses west of Legion Rd..nice to see the condo is slowly taking shape.They are still on the third level?..they were at that stage three weeks ago last time I dropped by.ilofts looks small from the CAD designs but the area in the back is huge,could be the staging for California and the future greenspace.
Ya - I heard the same thing. I heard that these townhomes are alittle more luxury homes. I hear that they are going to be nice, which is great and better for us in value in the long

You can see also see if you scroll up to member drum118, and click the link 27-09-0172.JPG on the map where it says FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
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That would be a really good place for lux townhomes backing into parkland... can't wait to see renderings and pricelist...
You can see also see if you scroll up to member drum118, and click the link 27-09-0172.JPG on the map where it says FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

There is one more high-rise condo site in the Mystic Pointe community planned following California.
There is one more high-rise condo site in the Mystic Pointe community planned following California.

wonder where?...the density of this area is very limited,look at NXT the nimby neighbors forced them to replan the whole site before the they got the approval.If it lux T houses it be great for the value of Legion Rd owners,it be even damn better if they can figure out a better way to get in without the "reverse" ramp design they are currently using.Either way this month Condo magazine has a nice write up for iLofts and California.As mentioned only a limited amount of suites left at iLofts and California is selling as good as can be in this recession.
I don't think there is another hi-rise condo that has to be built. If anything it's the luxury townhomes. Where did your resource come from, if anything?
ProjectEnd ... I wouldn't read too much into certain member's comments ... Puppa155 has a track record of 'passive aggressive' posts within the whole 24 posts on UT :rolleyes:

Hey Solaris....your just a joe-blow on here talking about topics and discussions. Your not with the city ease down on your SO RESOURCEFUL INFORMATION :cool:

It's too bad I purchased an ILOFT my friend! So shut your mouth! CAPISHE??;)
Those aren't so passive. Puppa, keep it friendly please.

Wow - capishe? Really, if you're old enough to buy a condo then you should be old enough to spell basic words correctly.

And why the unnecessary 'lol' at the end of your post? Did you find that questioning a senior member was funny enough to warrant an explanation of how you 'laughed out loud?'

Solaris - I do seem to remember Puppu's introductory posts as less than stellar.
another condo in mystic pointe? wow that's gonna be dense... is it gonna be the same builder?
