have some potentially bad news ...

I went into the sales office this weekend and spoke with the sales person (Wendy) ... while inquiring about iLofts, I asked what was going to happen to lands west of Legion Road ... she said: "Camrost intented to build 3 storey luxury townhomes on that site and had architectural drawings prepared for a couple years now, however depending on the real estate market conditions, it is possible that Camrost may decide to utilize its zoning permissions instead to build several 16 storey buildings on that site (condos are easier to sell than townhouses in terms of affordability)"

If the latter part of this statement was true ... quite a few iLoft units may be affected
August 9 2009 update

iLofts now @ the 20th floor ~


have some potentially bad news ...

I went into the sales office this weekend and spoke with the sales person (Wendy) ... while inquiring about iLofts, I asked what was going to happen to lands west of Legion Road ... she said: "Camrost intented to build 3 storey luxury townhomes on that site and had architectural drawings prepared for a couple years now, however depending on the real estate market conditions, it is possible that Camrost may decide to utilize its zoning permissions instead to build several 16 storey buildings on that site (condos are easier to sell than townhouses in terms of affordability)"

If the latter part of this statement was true ... quite a few iLoft units may be affected

I mentioned this earlier in the thread.. someone didn't want to believe me :)
If it hasn't been approved by the City yet ... you can go try to talk to the Planning Department ... but if the zoning HAS ALREADY BEEN APPROVED, there's really nothing you can do ... you can try to go talk to Camrost, but they are not 'obligated' to do anything for any of the existing owners/purchasers in iLofts nor SkyLofts
oh man, if that's true, it will ruin my view! Who do I complain to?

Haha, i guess I'll just enjoy my view for now!

on the bright side mysticpointe, it seems like Camrost hasn't quite made up their mind yet on the 3s townhouses vs the potentially 16s condos ... so hope is not all down the drain yet :)

besides, you seem to be on a high floor in Sky Lofts, perhaps you will still clear the future 16 storey buildings, if built ....
I sure hope so. I'm on the 8th floor, (each floor is about 18-20 ft high) its like being on the 16th I guess. We'll see what will happen.

And for all you iLoft owners, I may have a link to a live webcam feed soon. I know some of you were interested.

I'll post more details later.

ok people,

Here is the link to the live construction.

I have it live streaming from ustream.tv but its gonna kill my internet connection so until I find a different way of doing this (pictures taken every minute then uploaded to a server) then its gonna keep on going offline.

Oh ya and if you want this to stay up, you might want to check out my sponsors when you visit....... nothings free in this world folks!


Thanks for the webcam....anyways IF CF decides to build a condo there and by their history of taking their sweet time to build condos we're looking at at least 4 years for completion but California is not selling that well so for them to build more condos in a slow market before selling %70 of California is taking a chance no?..Solaris what is your estimate for first tenants for iLofts at this stage.Im estimating July at the earliest.If they do go for low rise condos the nimby crowd will go hysterical.
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thanks for the live feed mysticpointe !!

ducati0000 ... with respect to the occupancy timing, you guess is as good as mine ... July 2010 sounds pretty reasonable
Hey mysticpointe thanks alot. Wow this is amazing. I heard of some ppl out there who set up webcams for condos and when I heard about it..I was like "wow" now that you set this up....EVEN BETTER!!! :D
Unless there's a whole bunch of bad weather in the next few weeks, I'm guessing April at the latest. July is just too far away..
