Pics taken Feb 7, 2019






I wonder what happened here. This was moving at a decent clip until a couple of months ago, then it seems to have just stopped. Good to see that they're back on site now.
Hmmm... development application website doesn't show it on the map anymore. When you find the listing and links to PDF's on Google there is nothing recent and it says "Closed" beside the Site Plan Approval. What's that about? Shouldn't it say "Final Approval Completed ______________" ?
Hmmm... development application website doesn't show it on the map anymore. When you find the listing and links to PDF's on Google there is nothing recent and it says "Closed" beside the Site Plan Approval. What's that about? Shouldn't it say "Final Approval Completed ______________" ?
This is a Cresford which have a lot on the go, its not like they folded if that's what you're thinking
I'm not thinking anything in particular, hence why I'm asking what info. in my post would indicate. I am aware that Cresford has a lot on the go- that's why it's puzzling.
The number of projects Cresford has on the go is irrelevant. Each development is a separate LLC.
I wouldn't bother. These things happen with different contractors on site, for example.
I'm not referring to the activity on site but rather the disappearance of the planning application as "Closed" as noted above.
I noticed the lack of activity as well but a couple days ago I noticed that the clock tower was moved back south to its original location. I wonder if the slow down has to do with securing the pad that the tower now sits on. It’s a very small sight and until a few days ago the excavator was absent. It’s back on site now so perhaps digging can commence below the clock tower.
