It wouldn't have been that difficult or expensive for the developer to mimic the existing pattern of mullions that was on the mechanical penthouse. The shade of the replacement spandrel is also a mismatch.

Definitely a disappointment given how easy it should have been to get it right.
This afternoon:


What a travesty. This city can really be pathetic sometimes. Between limp-wristed heritage protections to a design review process that seems to let anything get through, it's frequently depressing to be an architecture fan in Toronto nowadays.

To continue my disappointment, what pisses me off more is that there's no process or anything to ensure that developers actually build what's been rendered. Or some process to ensure a little more accountability. Wide angle lens renders with perfect lighting in no way accurately represent what we'll actually be faced with, it's false and misleading advertising. Again, a complete joke.
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I don't get it. The mechanical has been adapted as useable space with the addition of vision glass and the new spandrel is a paler shade. I just don't think the modifications as this building converts to residential use garners the reaction it is receiving from this forum. Then again, I feel quite removed from when I joined 12 years ago.
It wouldn't have been that difficult or expensive for the developer to mimic the existing pattern of mullions that was on the mechanical penthouse. The shade of the replacement spandrel is also a mismatch.

But don't you see, we are talking about Camrost Felcrap. They are not capable of doing such work, nor would they as it would cost them more than the lovely spandrel (which in a few years will have issues, much like their spandrel that is already seeing defects at iLOFT) they decided to go with.

The first mistake was letting Camrost Felcrap touch such a beautiful building in the first place.

It should've looked similar to this...


Credit to someMidTowner for the original image.
I don't get it. The mechanical has been adapted as useable space with the addition of vision glass and the new spandrel is a paler shade. I just don't think the modifications as this building converts to residential use garners the reaction it is receiving from this forum. Then again, I feel quite removed from when I joined 12 years ago.

I find over the years there's been a shift to the negative on this forum / I'm not saying that's good or bad, but folks are a lot more critical, maybe our taste have become refined over the years and we expect more now ? ; - )

Actually its a logical evolution; When this forum started up (to be fair maybe 5 years before or so) there was very little development in the core.
I find over the years there's been a shift to the negative on this forum / I'm not saying that's good or bad, but folks are a lot more critical, maybe our taste have become refined over the years and we expect more now ? ; - )

Yeah; more refined taste, or at least more refined sensitivity to 50s curtain-wall-ism, i.e. there should have been greater effort to replicate the green, and the "verticality". Don't turn a 50s-looking penthouse into a 10s-looking penthouse, even if it's in the name of 10s-like functioning...
All one has to do is imagine the penthouse clad with the same minimalist elegance as the Four Seasons to see the difference. While I have no expectations from Preservation Services at the City to ever "do the right thing", I'm quite surprised that ERA Architects signed off on the cladding (or perhaps it was not within their scope of work).

Bang on thecharioteer. The top looks terrible. The second building will compound this disaster though at least it won't be very visible.
To take a stagier North Toronto case, there's also the penthouse treatments of the Republic condos to consider as a model.

And come to think of it, the 90s condo conversion of the old OPSEU building at Yonge & Davisville resepcted *its* penthouse cladding more (though that may or may not remain a "service penthouse")
