
That render reminds me a lot of the Wells Fargo Building in Minneapolis:


That render reminds me a lot of the Wells Fargo Building in Minneapolis:



I see that tower every day, definitley the star of the skyline here. Great tower with great design (C. Pelli) Pelli gets it, Key tower in Cleveland, Nations Bank Charlotte, WFC New York, 2IFC Hong Kong, all standout towers. Everything he does is pretty cool, with the setbacks etc.
That render just made my day! The design makes it look much taller than a simple box built into that location. Now, "Make it so!"
When the Sheraton Centre complex was designed, they were careful to situate the hotel tower at the west end of the site. The idea was to leave an open vista from Nathan Phillips Square, giving a view over the lower 12 storey building to where the new financial district was being built - Mies's TD Centre towers and Pei's Commerce Court tower, along with whatever architectural marvels were to follow. What followed was a pretty mixed bunch, architecturally, and it looks as if that tradition will continue with this proposal.
Wait a minute? ^^^
Will there be a "W" on top of the tower? i'm confused! it's like a Wayne tower!
Wait a minute? ^^^
Will there be a "W" on top of the tower? i'm confused! it's like a Wayne tower!

Did you notice ... it's also floating in the air :)
Here's the video in case u guys are lazy:

Did anyone notice at 1:07 that the location is WRONG!?!?!! it should be on the west side of bay street. FAIL! (that is on top of the infamous "finnancial capital" typo!)

Not sure if anyone noticed...but very glitzy video with a problem...at 13 seconds in ...with words going across the screen...it says "finnacial capital".....

Yes, actually, the poster directly above you noticed...
