Looks like the site plan here is already approved.... and here we thought we're getting some office floors.:confused:

Site Plan Approval 12 115522 STE 28 SA Ward 28
- Tor & E.York Feb 1, 2012 --- --- --- ---
To construct a 53-storey mixed-use building complete ground floor retail, 784 residential dwelling units and, 100 below-grade parking spaces

This notice, dated yesterday, is the application for Site Plan Approval. It has not yet been approved.
^ a little skeptical of the render but pleased that it lines up with the graphic arts building
Here we go.

I like it! (The podium)... Strong cornice, the windows look good, and there are balconies just under the cornice to add some interest.
Here is the previous podium design for comparison:


It looks like they have doubled the number of vertical columns, but otherwise basically kept the old design. The detail work looks better though.
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That podium is guaranteed to look very Home Depot compared to the bases of its neighbours. There's no way they can match the masonry of the Graphic Arts and Bell buildings on a condo "starting from the mid 200s."
can't judge anything yet, i NEED to see the rest of the tower! wonder what they came up with! (slanted roof or not)

i wish temperance was actually that lively too. maybe this tower will bring some vibe to those few blocks
Not even the artists will take the liberty of adding a few trees to that desolate stretch of road. It would be nice if the developer put aside some money for streetscape improvements.
These small, cheap units will be gobbled up by investors in no time, especially considering its (relatively) prime location. CentreCourt/Lifetime really knows how to sell condos fast, just look at Karma and Peter SC. It's great that something will finally happen to this site but I'm personally still disappointed that there's no attempt to incorporate any mixed-use component (hotel or office).
