considering houses only go for 100-150 dollars a square foot, this is insane.
Scaled Model

I managed to swing into the sales office and checked this out ~ of course nothing too facinating, but also no suprises (no I wasn't disgusted) since I knew what I was walking into (and I sorta like the curves on Infinity 1+3) :D

as others have noted, Infinity 3+4 is a 90% replica copy of Infinity 1+2 save and except for:

- amenities is located in a 'link' building on the south end of the site (abutting Gardiner Expressway)
- the west slab building being Infinity 4 has terracing on the southern edge
- ground level will be entirely enclosed by building structure with near 100% site coverage (ie: no surface driveways, dropoff + loading contained within 1st floor podium)
- rooftop interior courtyard located on 2nd floor (on top of enclosed garage/loading/dropoff area)


South View - lights off

South View - lights on

Southwest View

Northwest View

Northeast View

Amenities Building at the South End
November 4 2008 update

of course no construction on site yet (site in right part of below photo...where sales office is now ... construction equipment seen are only for City road works underway)


I really like the curved silhouette on Infinity 1 though ~ :D

infinity3 or phase two is underway.. I detected today there is a heavy machinery, it seems shoring and excavation started
Sorry to say, but for a great location/site this building/architecture is Boring and doesn't excite me. ICE/ICE2 has the right idea.
Your right, the building is boring and very typical - standard, not much WOW factor...but down the road, when things or opinions change, standard will still be "OK" whereas something like ICE with it's funky design may end up being "So yesterday"... relative to the number of amenities that Infinity has... it isn't bad... the entranceway has significantly improved from Infinity 1 & 2.
BTW, anyone know how much this has sold? I hear the possession should be in Summer 2012 ..... so it looks like they may be on target...
Why on Earth didn't they use a podium this tall on Bremner?! Missed opportunity...

Maybe a couple more floors could of been added to the podium on Bremner but I'm not like the 12 storeys at all. Make the complex look even blander and oppressive.
BTW, anyone know how much this has sold? I hear the possession should be in Summer 2012 ..... so it looks like they may be on target...

kalvinone, last I heard, it was somewhere in the 70's %. Still a few decent units remain.
Maybe a couple more floors could of been added to the podium on Bremner but I'm not like the 12 storeys at all. Make the complex look even blander and oppressive.

I agree, a 5 or 6 storey podium along Bremner would have been ideal with the towers setback a few metres.
...and a 12-storey podium facing north into the existing complex/ Grand Trunk Crescent? That's what this model of Phase 3-4 shows, and I'm not getting it.
