This entire parking lot has been fenced off. Not sure what they're planning on doing, but I'd have thought they could keep most of the lot open if they were just doing restoration work on the house.
They have another round of mediation scheduled starting September 27, and a hearing scheduled for November 20. If the mediation produces a settlement, then the November date would theoretically be to simply make it official, assuming there are no other parties wanting to fight the settlement. Who knows how close this will be to the 43-storey resubmission, but the original was 50 storeys, and there's not a chance of that based on the shadows that would have fallen on Allan Gardens.

Duration (ironically) are the 2 ninety year-olds who kept the giant swath of downtown Toronto (Queen/Dalhousie/Shuter) a parking lot for 500 years (or whenever Cookes Church was demolished) ;-).

If they're alive god bless 'em. I assume their children have finally taken-over since this site (subject to previous proposals designed to inflate land value) is now actually sold and being "developed". Full disclosure - sour grapes in play here.

When 308 Jarvis was proposed years ago I laughed... let's put an afternoon/sunset shadow over Allan Gardens and see the land buyers lick their lips. Can't believe the proposal is still alive. Even though the kids are likely in charge now I'm guessing this is a similar play $.... why propose, pay architects etc.?? Done right, the math works I guess, as it did before. If planning staff are over-worked they may even skip to approved lol, but they (Duration) won't hammer a single nail. They'll sell.

Land, they're not making any more etc.
TORONTO PRESERVATION BOARD: Toronto Preservation Board consideration on November 30, 2017
ACTION Adopted


308-314 Jarvis Street and 225 Mutual Street - Alterations to Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into Amending Heritage Easement Agreement for 314 Jarvis Street
Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege
Board Recommendations

The Toronto Preservation Board recommends that:

1. City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1.

2. City Council authorize the public release of the instructions in Confidential Attachment 1 and Appendices "A" and "C", if adopted by City Council, with the balance of the Confidential Attachment 1 to remain confidential as it contains advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege, save and except that the Decision History and Appendices "B" and "D" both set forth in Confidential Attachment 1 are authorized for public release in any event.

Decision Advice and Other Information
The Toronto Preservation Board recessed its public session and met in closed session to consider this item as it relates to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

(November 29, 2017) Report from the City Solicitor
The heritage property at 314 Jarvis Street was listed on the City's Inventory of Heritage Properties on May 30, 1988. In the late 1980s and early 1990s the heritage property at 314 Jarvis Street was the subject of a rezoning application for a six-storey apartment building to be attached to the back of the heritage house. The proposal was eventually approved by Council and the OMB, the house designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (By-law No. 81-90) and a Heritage Easement (the "HEA") registered on title (January 12, 1990 (CA 70417), amended March 31, 1992 (CA18352)). The HEA allows for the demolition of the rear "tail" or extension and conservation of the main front portion of the house in the context of the approved development. Aside from the approved alterations to construct the six- storey apartment building, under the provisions of the Heritage Easement Agreement, the owner cannot undertake or permit any demolition, construction, alteration, remodelling or any other act which would materially affect the features or construction of the building as set out in the Reasons for Identification and as may be depicted in the photographs, drawings and other documents attached to the HEA or that would affect the reasons for designation, without the permission of Council.

A Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted for these lands on January 23, 2012 for a 50 storey tower. The application was revised on August 23, 2011, seeking permission for a 43 storey (136.5 metres including the mechanical penthouse) mixed-use building consisting of a 9-storey base building and a 34-storey tower at 308-314 Jarvis Street and 225 Mutual Street.

In a March 26, 2012 report from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, “Removal of a Designated Heritage Property under the Ontario Heritage Act – 314 Jarvis Street”, staff recommended that City Council refuse the removal of the designated property under section 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act as proposed by the applicant in a revision to the approved plans.

Consideration of the March 26, 2012 report and a March 28, 2012 report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District entitled "308-314 Jarvis Street and 225 Mutual Street – Zoning Amendment Application – Refusal Report", were deferred by TEYCC at their May 15, 2012 meeting.

The Zoning By-law amendment application was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board ("OMB") January 9, 2015 due to a lack of decision by the City within the statutory timeframe.

The Toronto Preservation Board on May 28, 2015, considered the (May 25, 2015) Report from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning, regarding Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend Existing Heritage Easement Agreement – 314 Jarvis Street (Dr. Charles Sheard House). On May 29, 2015, the Toronto Preservation Board provided its recommendation to the City Council, noting with concern the impact of the development on the adjacent heritage designated Allan Gardens, and recommended to the Toronto and East York Community Council that

City Council refuse the alterations to the heritage property at 314 Jarvis Street as proposed in staff report (May 25, 2015) from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning.

At its meeting of July 7, 8 and 9, 2015 Council authorized the City Solicitor together with appropriate staff, to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing, to among other matters, oppose the zoning amendment appeal and in the event the appeal was allowed in whole or in part, to secure appropriate section 37 Planning Act facilities, services and matters. Council also refused the alterations to the heritage property at 314 Jarvis Street as proposed in the report (May 25, 2015) from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning.

A 10 day hearing for the zoning by-law amendment was scheduled to commence on November 20, 2017, however it was rescheduled for 8 days commencing February 7, 2018. This report seeks further input from the Toronto Preservation Board on this matter.

Background Information
(November 29, 2017) Report from the City Solicitor - 308-314 Jarvis Street and 225 Mutual Street - Alterations to Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into Amending Heritage Easement Agreement for 314 Jarvis Street
Confidential Attachment 1
1 - Motion to Meet in Closed Session (Carried)
That the Toronto Preservation Board recess its public session to meet in closed session to consider this Item as it relates to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City and contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

3 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)
Database file updated with new height and storeys, but not new images.

108.5m @DonValleyRainbow

Overview of the site and surrounding developments:
With respect to construction or pre-construction related activities, looks like this is no longer a phantom site. Phantom Development is preparing its construction plans - ground sampling rig on site, on the Jarvis side of the property, Tuesday, April 9.

Pre-construction activity is definitely picking up, no doubt spurred by the return of squatters in the historic Sheard house, and an accompanying small fire a couple of weeks ago. As of last week there is overnight security on the site and the house has been re-boarded up. Yet despite this, a worker cleaning up the property this morning and the concierge of my condo (two doors down from the site) both report that transients continue to break into the house nightly. Can't wait for this construction to get underway!
Anyone know if Phantom has secured backing to develop this as a rental? If yes, then that's pretty much the only chance that construction could start anytime soon. Otherwise, we're waiting on a site plan application at minimum, a marketing campaign if it's a condo, etc. Nothing is happening on this tomorrow or next month or the following one. This is still quite a ways away.

